Anonymous ID: 6b522d Aug. 1, 2020, 1:18 p.m. No.10151734   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10150216 (PB)

I've been watching a live stream for over an hour. I still don't understand what the purpose of the protest was.

>>10150316 (PB)

The Conestoga wagons should be picking their way up a rocky trail in the Appalachians … that's what they were designed to do. Part of my family left WV just before the Civil War broke out to become Quakers in Indiana. They used Connies.

>>10150407 (PB)

Plagiarism only exists where there is intent. History books be damned, the Wright brothers were not the first to fly. That honor belongs to a Brazilian. However, they DID invent it independently and got the press attention for so-doing.

Samuel Clemens was not the last person to have an intelligent thought, either. I am well-read and recognize many of his quips. However, others may never have read Clemens at all. My wife hasn't. But she is well-versed in the phrasing of Nicholas Sparks whereas, with the exception of passages she has read aloud to me, I am almost totally ignorant of his writing.