Anonymous ID: cfc9b2 Aug. 1, 2020, 11:44 a.m. No.10151052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1102



This is what is actually going to happen to the election

And the Speaker of the House will not appoint Trump no matter what.

There is only one way out of this

And it requires a massive uprising of the people

When the military sees the numbers of the people out in the streets protesting

They will realize that this is proof of election fraud

And the will of the people is behind President Trump

At that point, they will move in and there will be mass arrests of the infiltrators and criminals


Republicans will be arrested too

Not just people like Mitt Romney, but others not so obvious.

Not all will go peaceful so there will be some bloodbaths

And some so-called patriots who think they can rush to the streets with their pea-shooters

Will be terminated with prejudice by the military snipers.


If you own any guns

Take a good long hard look at your weapons

And imagine how you would stand up to the US Army fully armed and equipped.

Fact is, that nothing that is legal to own in the USA

Will help you against the army.

And they are not going to wait to ask questions to see if you are a real patriot

Or a commie in patriot clothes

If you take a weapon to a protest, you will die.