Anonymous ID: dbca57 Aug. 1, 2020, 11:42 a.m. No.10151030   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10150818 lb

hussein wasn't the mastermind, just the puppet put in place to make this giant social organizing experiment happen. It was designed to even bring down his own party - "every democratic candidate will have to face". They were all honeypotted into compliance by either taking bribes (that must have been easy, been happening for decades), the sexual honeypot, or drugs, etc. The infiltrators were the subcontractors that facilitated it and Epstein worked for them as part of the honeypot operations. They were the ones performing the SRA against children for their gods.


Folks, the reason this is "biblical" is because it fucking is BIBLICAL!

We are fighting against pure evil that not only wanted to bring about the NWO (or whatever they're calling it these days) but the NWO was only another means to an end, The end being the end of humanity. That is the ultimate goal of the evil one - he has come for nothing but to steal, kill and destroy. But Christ has come to give life! And!!! To give it MORE THAN ABUNDANTLY! Get saved! God Wins!!