Anon God, through His Son Jesus, left a Church. That is how we can become closer to Him. How we can understand how to have a relationship with Him. Through the sacraments He left His Church.
There is no institution made of men that will not become corrupt given enough time and laxity among the participants. The Catholic Church became lax to the devil, not truly believing in him anymore. This started a long time ago, and can trace its roots back to at least the work of Galileo (who repented of his opposition to the Geocentric model), which caused a large number of people to stop believing in the Bible.
It is only through God and His One True Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church that we can be saved. It is only through repentance and penance that we can try to atone for the sins of ourselves, and of others. It is only by a return to the true Catholic faith that we will find peace. For the Catholic Church is the only true Church. It is the only Church that venerates the Truth and God above all things. Without it we are lost.
You lack understanding and clarity of thought on the issue. Declaring enemies of those who seek God's glory. Anons should question why that is. Question why you're seeking the most nefarious explanation for their support of POTUS, and prayers for the Church. Question why you would rather destroy, than pray for the revival of the Church. Question why you would want to continue the devil's work of destroying the One True Church that our Lord promised would not fall against the dogs of hell.
Do more research. Dig more. Ask questions. Pray for discernment. May God have mercy on us all.