Anonymous ID: 1c35a0 Aug. 1, 2020, 5:55 p.m. No.10154788   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#12995 posted in #12996

>>10153285 CDC director acknowledges hospitals have a monetary incentive to over count corona virus deaths

>>10153301 Sen. Rubio 'Not Concerned About Mail-in Voting'

>>10153312 New Disclosures Confirm: Trump Himself Was the Target of Obama Administration’s Russia Probe

>>10153390 Judicial Watch: FBI Capitulates on Andrew McCabe Text Messages After Adverse Federal Court Ruling

>>10153463 Defying expert advice, Maryland county forbids private schools from opening in the fall

>>10153485 Lawmakers returning from John Lewis funeral exempt from D.C. quarantine order

>>10153535 Dr. Epstein’s Election Monitoring System MUST Be Deployed Immediately to Prevent Big Tech from Rigging the 2020 Election

>>10153558 US seeks to arrest Julian Assange with new extradition request

>>10153563 LA City Councilman, Jose Huizar, an elected member of the Los Angeles City Council Charged In 34-Count Indictment In Wide-Ranging Political Corruption Probe

>>10153966 Arrests made as tensions flare during "Blue Lives Matter" protest

>>10154279 Argentina Creditors Seek International Backing on Debt Clauses

>>10154308 Poll: 85 Percent of Voters Say Crime Is a ‘Serious’ Problem in America

>>10154449 #12995