the wealth of a nation is determined by the labor and productivity of it's people.
indeed, they're oppressed and much of their motivation is under the ever present hammer of the CCP.
granted, the Chinese, desperate, like the early Viet Nam refugee's are hard working to be sure, but diminishing Americans especially during this time of an attempted communist revolutionary coup and unemployment hovering over 30%, is not the time for musk to dampen the people's spirit, especially comparing it's people to a Statist boot on their neck oppressive regime.
i don't look at musk as anyone to look up too, unless one is aspiring to become a sophisticated con, using money pumped by black hats like all the other high tech media platforms, you know, the usual suspects suppressing freedom of speech, and unending censoring attempts to usher in their fucking Communist rule Dem who will certainly finish off any vestige of freedom we have left. people are naive and ignorant about the horror's of Communism.
CCP is walking on a narrow fence for sure, if their annual growth dips around 3 or 4% they're going to have another Tiananmen Square moment, only this time, unlike 1989, all those rural farmers they brought in to work in their factories will have no place to go when the shit hits the fan.