Shouldn't this say.. The coup clutz PLAN?
Lol kek!
Great meme!
Shouldn't this say.. The coup clutz PLAN?
Lol kek!
Great meme!
Powerful video! Wow..
Sometimes i wish it was me on those front lines..
sometimes i wish i had superpowers.. To get them out.
Sometimes i just cry and pray..
and how many have been lost already..
I guess i needed to catch up .
I hear many rumors.. Many vids on youtube.. But take it all with a grain of salt…. Until it's proven without any reasonable doubt..
Has there been any actual irrefutable proof about pense being pedo?
Another P.
I mean seriously… why would potus pick him for vp.
MI would have vetted then both. No doubt about that.
So he is DS at best.. Pedo satanist at worst..
. And Potus has to nagivate around him on a daily basis? And p is just waiting for someone to drop potus so he can be prez?
Thanks. Appreciate all the info and comments from everyone!
I've always found penses body language impossible to read.
He has a cop's poker face. It doesnt even show micro expressions. So thats a red flag… For me right there.
If he is DS.. He is probably mkU. Or some other CsA training program.
He is impossible to read.
Always wearing a mask. Incredibly guarded…