>>10229261 (pb)
Regarding the contaminated flu virus specimens: I think it possible that Europe will have a demographic reset based on some type of disease outbreak. European Christendom is the reason I am a Christian. I count among my ancestors French Hugenots, Irish Protestants and Greek Orthodox Christians. I don't believe God is racist. However, the deliberate flooding of Europe with "migrants" who find it their calling to abuse, assault, torment and defile the women and children in the countries that welcomed them is abhorrent.
I have had the idea for some time that a reset could happen via an outbreak that affected newer European arrivals, but not older, indigenous populations. I specifically thought an abnormal flu outbreak with "all" strains at once might be a vehicle of this event. The post about Baxter's little "accident" (or whatever, it was) reminded me of this.
Note: If such a thing happens I do not think it will be the result of deliberate human intentions.