Anonymous ID: 2aacf1 Aug. 27, 2020, 7:06 p.m. No.10446002   🗄️.is 🔗kun


moar sauce..


WATCH and RT , @realbillbinney's comment following the conclusion of his AMA on r/conspiracy.

Another AMA is scheduled on r/WayoftheBern this Saturday, August 29, at 12PM.

Help Bill bust the underlying fraud of the "Russian hack" – it's our best flank against the War Party!



Binney /r/conspiracy/

>photo for (Binney r/Conspiracy AMA 8/27/20):


Posted byu/AssuredlyAThrowAway, 8/26/20

AMA Announcement; On Thursday, August 27th, at noon /r/conspiracy has the honor of welcoming William Binney, former NSA Technical Director and Whistleblower. Mr. Binney will, among other discussions, present his proof as to why Russia was not behind the hack of the DNC in 2016.

>Hello all,

>The mod team is honored to announce another in our continuing series of AMA (ask me anything) sessions on the subreddit.

>For this round, our guest will be NSA Whistleblower William Binnney (verified via /u/WilliamBinney) and the AMA will take place on Thursday, August 27th, at Noon eastern time.

>Mr. Binney was kind enough to provide photo verification for this AMA which can be found here

>This AMA is of particular interest as Mr. Binney's AMA earlier this week-on another subreddit-was censored mid way through his scheduled time slot.


>As to the issue of the 2016 DNC hack, Mr. Binney has the following to say in the text of his initial (censored) AMA;

"Remember when emails released by Wikileaks proved that the DNC rigged the primary election against Bernie Sanders? And everyone claimed that the Russians had hacked the DNC?

There's only one problem. There was no hack.

It was an internal leak.

Here's my proof

It boils down to these three key points:

1.) The modification times on the files point to the use of a FAT file system, which is used almost exclusively by storage devices (such as flash drives).

2.) Analysis of the files released by Guccifer 2.0 claimed to be the Russian hacker who got the files to Wikileaks reveals that they were created at a data transfer rate consistent with a flash drive, but not with an internet transfer."

3.)The NSA would've known the hack was taking place, thanks to the leaks revealed by Edward Snowden, which the NSA has never denied

In October 2017, at the specific request of President Donald Trump, I met with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, at that time CIA Director, and presented my evidence that the "Russian hack" never was. Did Trump ever receive that evidence?

So, Ask me anything!"


>Here's the archive of the removed AMA Reddit post showing what Bill Binney said.

Posted by u/bgny, 8/26/20