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== DLA Piper Denton Europe > Denton > Kenderdine > Clinton Administrator > Kenderdine > Atlantic Council > Constantijn Van Oranje-Nassau, Special Advisor & Vice Chairman of International Circle of Influencers, StartupDelta > Building a Transatlantic Digital Marketplace: Twenty Steps Toward 2020 (April 2016) ==
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Primeur: DLA Piper benoemt ‘fulltime pro bono-medewerker Europa’
(13 september 2016 DOOR ADVOCATIE REDACTIE )
Advocaten en het goede doel: het is een hele wereld op zich. Advocatenkantoren werpen zich individueel op goede doelen, maar er zijn ook verschillende collectieve ‘clearing houses’ met aangesloten leden. Er zijn wereldwijde pro bono-organisaties, en DLA Piper heeft in Amsterdam in de persoon van Lamin Khadar zelfs een 'fulltime pro bono-medewerker Europa' aan het werk. “Wij zullen nooit terugdeinzen voor werken voor vluchtelingen, hoe het maatschappelijke of politieke klimaat zich ook ontwikkelt,” aldus Khadar.
Lamin Khadar is the Pro Bono and Diversity Manager for Dentons Europe. is Nederlander, retweets Open Society Foundations tweets.
Dentons creates strategic affiliation with global energy consultant EJM Associates LLC
Denton Atlantic Council
Prior to her service at the Department of Energy, Melanie A. Kenderdine helped establish the MIT Energy Initiative and served as its executive director; served as vice president of Washington operations for the Gas Technology Institute and served in several key posts at the Department of Energy during the Clinton administration.
Melanie A. Kenderdine is a non-resident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and is on the Board of OurEnergy Policy.org.
Saus: https://www.dentons.com/en/whats-different-about-dentons/connecting-you-to-talented-lawyers-around-the-globe/news/2017/september/dentonscreatesstrategic-affiliation-with-global-energy-consultant-ejm-associates-llc
https://usea.org/profile/melanie-kenderdine (husband Steven Cary)
My father, Eugene, worked at Sandia [National] Labs for 42 years, he won an award for being the “father of strong links,” that’s a big deal in nuclear weapons safety culture. It’s a mechanical device that keeps nuclear weapons from going off. My mother, Evelyn Weiss, was a nurse, although she was also a homemaker.