pourquoi "whitey gotta pay?" …????? ?? (7x) BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-HAH :- FUCK OFF YOU RACIST parasite infected arse-CUNTs. Your blood is cold/boiling MUD semen.
Perhaps tards need a dose of German to re-flesh the memory :
UK goes into "complete" lock-down: WTF? Why did Hitler bomb London when ALL he had to do was say, "ware a mask", and the tards would have rolled over like Rover.
and pedovores dance in time square (alone) :- no partying allowed for normies. No fireworks in France, and be home before 8pm on New Years Eve; 6pm if you are the Q around Paris.
Fucking lemmings with masks.
Llamas with Hats 1-12_ The Complete Series German - Alle Lamas mit Huten Teile
Karl Marx and new-age Biblical Paul :- ONE IN THE SAME
Wilful ignorance is THE EVIL IN YOU kakistocracy, adrenochrome addicted meat-TARD(s)
마르크스 (Karl Marx)
독일의 혁명가·경제학자(1818∼83). 처음 헤겔 좌파에서 출발하여, 독일 관념론·공상적 사회주의 및 고전 경제학의 비판과 함께 과학적 사회주의를 창시하였음. 역사의 유물 변증법적 해석으로 프롤레타리아의 역할을 인식하고 이의 해방을 추구하여, 계급투쟁의 이론을 수립함. 공산당에 가입하여 엥겔스와 함께 ‘공산당 선언’을 기초하고, 제1 인터내셔널을 지도함. 저서에 ‘자본론’, ‘철학의 빈곤’ 등이 있음.
マルクス Karl Marx
Marx, Karl | mɑːks |
(1818–83), German political philosopher and economist, resident in England from 1849; full name Karl Heinrich Marx. The founder of modern communism with Friedrich Engels, he collaborated with him in the writing of the Communist Manifesto (1848), and enlarged it into a series of books, most notably the three-volume Das Kapital.
Triangle-IN-Circle :-)
Recursive Pascal