Whole fucking west coast is burning and no one gives a fuck. Incredible. We have gone completely numb from this judaic society. Even here of all fucking places
Thank you, it's freaking me out a bit it's almost like it's not happening at all. This silence about statewide fires is FUCKING WEIRD
>I Guess GOD is not in your vocabulary or your knowing
If you don't like me being a horny man then take it up with God when you meet Him you sad repressed cunt
Looks like you just lost all that respect
Alright, I'm cooling off. Had to get that out. I won't be bitching once I get some time to let shit go. Just one thing after another
That's because you are poisoned by nihilistic faggotry
Do you mean because it was a woman that announced it? Rules are fucking rules homie
Kek like a moon cycle it starts again. Dumb fuck posts tits, thinks that equals respect, announces her gender then starts it all over again. Oh well!