Anonymous ID: 388448 Sept. 10, 2020, 9:44 a.m. No.10589937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9945 >>9954 >>9967 >>0260

Important. Please Read.


I apologise in advance for the walls of text coming up but please read them, I would really appreciate your input.


Thanks ukanon


What Bible passage has most stumped Biblical scholars, theologians and teachers for nearly 2000yrs? I'd wager it's Rev 13 v 1. Well I think that with God's help I might have figured it out. At least, this is the most plausible suggestion I've ever seen for the meaning of this passage.


" And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads with 10 crowns on his horns and on each head a blasphemous name "      

The beast out of the sea is the Roman god Janus 


He is usually depicted as having 2 heads but in reality he has many heads, seven to be exact.


The seven heads are the seven religions besides Christianity that are currently awaiting their messiah. The ten horns are the various strands of the religions and the ten crowns are the crowns of authority for that particular strannd waiting to be given to their messiah currently held by the leader of each religion.     


The religions are: 


Judaism (Zionism & Orthodox),

Islam (Sunni & Shia),

Buddhism (Theravada & Mahayana),



Taoism and 



The respective messiahs are:







Li Hong and

"He whom God will make manifest".  


I even think I know where on Janus' oh so gorgeous body each head sits. From right to left it's the following:


Mashiach Maitreya Kalki Saoshyant Mahdi Li Hong " he whom God..etc "  


Each one's political leanings will relate to their position on the body. Furthest right = hard right, furthest left = hard left, those between progress from right to left wing.

So why is the beast Janus and not satan?


Satan doesn't want to be like Jesus, he wants to be God! With satan wanting to be like God he mimics everything God is, he isn't the antiChrist he's the Anti-God. So because God had Jesus through a virgin, satan had to have a son too, probably with a prostitute. But unlike Jesus being the perfect Son of God, instead satan got androgynous Janus and his seven heads, the beast.. 


God describes the seven heads for us in Proverbs 6 v 16 - 19


" There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him;


haughty eyes

a lying tongue

hands that shed innocent blood  

a heart that devises wicked schemes

feet that are quick to rush to evil

a false witness that pours out lies

and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers "    


That's all seven antiChrists and their "qualities"‎.  


The seven heads translate into the seven spirits. Just as Christ has the seven Spirits of God so Janus has the seven spirits of satan only, in Christ they make a whole, in Janus they're divided. A demonstration of that division is found in Psalm 109 v 7-15. God speaks first to Janus, then each head in turn, and then to all of them collectively.


" when he is tried, let him be found guilty, and may his prayers condemn him.


May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership. 

May his children be fatherless and his wife a widow. 

May his children be wandering beggars; may they be driven from their ruined homes.

May a creditor seize all he has; may strangers plunder the fruits of his labour.

May no-one extend kindness to him or take pity on his fatherless children. 

May his descendents be cut off, their names blotted out from the next generation.

May the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the Lord; may the sin of his mother never be blotted out. 


May their sins always remain before the Lord, that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth. "


There are lots of similar passages, for example in Daniel 11 vv 21-45 we have 26 "he will" and 1 each of king of North/South. It would make more sense were they referring to seven people four times, don't you think? As in all seven heads of Janus. 



Anonymous ID: 388448 Sept. 10, 2020, 9:48 a.m. No.10589967   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9973



Part Two


And just like Jesus is the Saviour of all mankind, Janus too had to be the "saviour" for all of his followers hence seven counterfeit Christs through the seven religions. Just as Christ lives in us, so Janus lives in his followers via one of his seven spirits; each spirit probably specialises in one particular brand of evil just as the seven Spirits of God make up different aspects of Jesus' Holiness.


Each of the seven "messiahs" besides Christ claim to be various elements of the whole that makes up Jesus. Individually they are almost Christ just not quite, collectively it becomes obvious that Janus is trying to imitate Christ but can't. Because unlike Jesus, who is the whole and complete Son of God, Janus is split seven ways, and 3 of those splits have further splits, the guy is seriously messed up.


His counterfeit Christs have made it so that "all inhabitants of the world will worship the beast" though because they already do. And they don't even know that they do..  

It's important to note that the spirits of each of the heads also control a real human person, not

ONE antiChrist but SEVEN! All the inhabitants of the earth will worship their own Messiah all of whom are just a single head of the beast Janus. That's also why there's multiple antiChrists, 1 for me and 1 for you depending on where in the world you live and on which side of the argument you fall.   


Don't forget, God, Jesus, satan and Janus are eternal beings, they all know the end before the beginning, "it is written". Janus and all of his heads haven't "copied something that came after", the Father, Son and Spirit trinity has always been and forever will be; he just copied what he could see but because he's split ten ways he can't fully imitate Christ.   


It's also important to note that Janus is a real person, a real human being, he's not just a spiritual being.


He is THE Anti-Christ not one of the antiChrists who are his minions on earth. He's the anti everything to Christ, complete/divided, holy/evil, loves/hates, moral/immoral, Perfect/Imperfect etc. And he was born. To a human mother.  


Spare her a thought because even if she did fornicate with satan, did she deserve to give birth to a seven headed androgen? And to KNOW that she had? It must have driven the poor woman completely insane.  



Anonymous ID: 388448 Sept. 10, 2020, 9:49 a.m. No.10589973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0001



Part Three


I suppose if you look deeper at the relationships between the seven religions you'll find areas where they are literally in conflict with each other like Janus' heads are.


For example, Judaism v Islam is basically the age old battle of the twins Jacob and Esau from Genesis 25:


"The Lord said to her, 


" Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger."  


They've been at war with each other since they were conceived and it is they that are at war now and they will be at war until it comes to it's inevitable conclusion. spoiler alert God wins! but not because either side is God's side because they're not.  


The Jacob v Esau thing can be fleshed out to good v evil, rich v poor, white v black, Judeo/Christian v Islam, West v East/3rd World, right wing v left wing, Republican v Democrat, Tory v Labour/SNP, anywhere where there is right/left division is the Jacob v Esau battle.  


If you look at the Baphomet figure notice how his right hand is raised into the light and his left hand is lowered into the darkness, that's what we have with the left/right paradigm. The right appears to be "in the light" which is why Christians support the right primarily while the left appears to have a dark side (abortion, same-sex relationships, transgender etc) but effectively they're both evil.  


The Jewish messiah is the rider on the white horse in Revelation 6 which is why he's portrayed as a Prince of the covenant (White Horse, bow and crown). There's no arrow meaning he sets out on a peaceful conquest.  


The islamic mahdi is the rider on the fiery red horse. He is portrayed as being murderous and violent (power to take peace from the earth, large sword, etc). You could almost say he's described as a terrorist.  


The Taoist messiah is the rider on the black horse. He is portrayed as holding the purse strings (scales, voice calling out prices, etc). **  


The Hindu messiah is probably the rider on the pale green horse, not because green is linked to India but because India possesses nuclear weapons and the horse's colour is suggestive of radiation sickness.     


** I know that Buddhism is the world's 3rd largest religion but China controls the world's purse strings, they have bought up most of the world's national debts. In the tribulation they're going to call the debts due‎.  


In summary:


The beast - Roman god Janus


Seven heads - Judaism, islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Taoism and Ba'bism/Bahá'i and their respective messiahs


White horse - Prince of the covenant, Jewish Mashiach

Red horse - power to wage war, large sword - islamic mahdi

Black horse - controls purse strings - Taoist Li Hong 

Pale green horse - it's colour suggests radiation poisoning - Hindu Kalki



Anonymous ID: 388448 Sept. 10, 2020, 9:52 a.m. No.10590001   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0009



Part Four


If the beast out of the sea is a real person then the beast out of the earth must also be a real person. And if the horns on the first beast are religions then it follows that the horns of the second beast are also religions. 


" Then I saw another beast coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon. " Revelation 13 v 12


I'm torn here as to what those religions are. My gut instinct is to say Church of Latter Day Saints and Jehovah's Witnesses but it could also be Catholicism and Church of England or Catholicism and Orthodox etc. I'd be surprised if Rome, CofE and Orthodox were there because Rome gets a punishment all to itself so I'll stick with LDS and JW for now for the horns, now who is the beast himself? Well, in 2 Timothy 3 v 8 Paul says:


" Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses.."


Not much is known about Jannes and Jambres really. They're believed to be the magicians that opposed Moses in Pharoah's court when Aaron's staff turned into a snake and the magicians did turned theirs into snakes too. They managed to turn the rivers into blood and bring a plague of frogs but when they tried to bring forth Gnats they couldn't do it. (Exodus 7 v 1 to 8 v 19)


" the magicians said to Pharoah, "this is the finger of God." " Exodus 8 v 19


It's thought that they left Egypt with the Israelites and even converted to Judaism; they were also the believed instigators of the Golden Calf incident. An article I read on Wikipedia says this about them though which I found interesting: 


" apart from their opposition to Moses, there are other aggadic lore and legends about Egyptian sorcerers. It was said that during the end of their days they had the necessary occult knowledge to embark on a journey to the Jewish world to come. "


Hands up all those who thinks the Jews run the world? Yeah, me too.. Jannes and Jambres possess the necessary occult knowledge to journey to the Jewish world to come and Jews run the world now. Anybody expecting any Egyptian sorcerers any time soon?


If the beast out of the sea is Janus/Jannes then the beast out of the earth must be Jambres which means they are real people! Which could mean that when John says he saw "a beast coming out of the sea" and another one "coming out of the earth" he means he saw actual living breathing people coming out of the sea/earth.


Just ponder that. Think about the statues "The Awakening" and "Awakening II". Are we being told what to expect? Have a watch of this video to follow my train of thought, it's about 34 minutes long.


And that's where I'm stumped at the moment because there's virtually nothing on Jambres that I can find that would shed any light on how the LDS and JW's fit in to him. I am still looking obviously but it seems that the vast majority of sites that mention Jambres are just parroting each other.


I do know the LDS believe that Elijah will come before the Day of the Lord so that probably means Jambres = Elijah. "Elijah" will tell everyone that Janus is Jesus and because the LDS agree the whole world goes along with it.


Jambres means " he will be fat, well fed, opposed, rebel " . 



Anonymous ID: 388448 Sept. 10, 2020, 9:52 a.m. No.10590009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0022



Part Five


I can surmise that the rebellion mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2 v 3 is referring to Jambres, the LDS and the JW's, but I need help now.


"He will be fat, well fed"


Presumably that means he's a big guy.. Probably translates to the JW and LDS churches being extremely wealthy so which way around is it? Well it seems the LDS have a secret $100 billion slush fund so I'm going to guess that they're the fat, therefore the JW's must be the well fed. 


Opposed possibly means that they shared a different gospel via the Book of Mormon, in opposition to Christianity. Rebel possibly means that the JW's rebelled against God with their gospel. Neither one shares the true Gospel.


LDS - He will be fat, opposed

Jehovah's Witnesses - well fed, rebel


Who are the people that represent the horns of the beast out of the earth? Well that's probably easy to guess as those at the very top of the LDS and Watchtower.


The LDS believe that Elijah will come before the great and dreadful day of the Lord. As the JW's don't have any other messianic figure beyond Christ as far as I know, that probably means that Jambres equals the LDS' Elijah. 


Haven't yet looked for scriptures talking/referring to Jambres other than those in Exodus but I bet they're there somewhere. It's even possible that some of those I think are referring to Janus are actually referring to Jambres. 


What if the passage when Jesus says Elijah will come is actually referring to Jambres?

Exodus scriptures 


" Pharoah then summoned the wise men and the sorcerers, and the Egyptian magicians also did the same things by their secret arts. Each one threw down his staff and it became a snake. But Aaron's staff swallowed up their staffs." Exodus 7 v 11 - 13


And THAT'S where it is!


When Aaron's staff swallowed up their staffs is when the Jewish religion was corrupted by the other religions.


" But the Egyptian magicians did the same thing by their secret arts " Exodus 7 v 22


That was after Aaron had turned the water to blood, the magicians did the same. 


" But the magicians did the same things by their secret arts; they also made frogs come up on the land of Egypt." Exodus 8 v 7




" But when the magicians tried to produce gnats by their secret arts, they could not. .. The magicians said to Pharoah, "This is the finger of God." But Pharoah's heart was hard.." Exodus 8 V 18 - 19


And this was where God won



Anonymous ID: 388448 Sept. 10, 2020, 9:53 a.m. No.10590022   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Part Six


If the beast out of the sea is Janus/Jannes and the beast out of the earth is Jambres then is the whore of Babylon a real person and if so, who is she? 


The answer is yes she is a real person, she is Asherah, the "Queen of heaven" , "the consort of El" who is best pictured in the Bible as Jezebel the wife of King Ahab. God describes her in Revelation 17 as "the great prostitute" , "the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth" . Presumably that means that she is Jannes and Jambres' real mother because God calls them abominations, beasts. 


In which case I retract my "spare a thought" comment on the beast out of the sea analysis, Asherah was already completely insane. 


What I don't know is whether both Jannes and Jambres are sons of satan or whether Jambres has a different father to Jannes. I am thinking that they are both full brothers, i.e. sons of satan because I think the opposite of Jambres is Prince Michael. 


How do you become a Prince? By being the son of the King. Who is the King? God! Who are the "chief princes" spoken of in Daniel 10 v 13? Jesus and Michael! The SONS of God! 




Satan - Anti-God 

Jannes - Anti-Christ 

Jambres - Anti-Michael 

Asherah - Anti-who? 


Ok, so who is the Wife of God? It isn't Mary, she was the human representative of the Spirit of the Wife of God. It also isn't Eve because she was deceived by Satan and the Wife of God couldn't be deceived, surely? So who are we left with? Israel? Again, I can't see it.


I'll figure it out eventually, let's move on to who is Asherah and who is representative of her in the world. 


Jezebel was once representative of Asherah without a doubt. She would have been the human equivalent of the spirit of Asherah. In the letter to Thyatira (Revelation 2 v 24) God mentions Jezebel and praises the few who hadn't learned "satan's so-called deep secrets"; I wonder if this is the same as the "secret arts" spoken of in Exodus when referring to the Egyptian magicians? If we want to find out who Asherah is and her characteristics we can study Jezebel and her particular brand of evil. 


It's fairly obvious except to anybody who is a Catholic that the spirit of Asherah is represented by the Catholic church; just as the heads of her sons are religions so is hers. The Mary worship is an obvious pointer to the fact that Catholicism actually worships Asherah (and by extension Satan and Janus).


Just like Jannes and Jambres have the Awakening statues, Asherah also has a statue, "The Bather" .


Notice how she is "sitting on many waters" . The elites have been telling us for years what to expect.


Just as Jezebel dressed up in all her regal finery when she knew Jehu was coming to kill her, so the Whore of Babylon is pictured in Revelation 17 v 4


" The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls "


The lady's got her party dress on.


" The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute " Revelation 17 v 16


I think that this probably ties into Janus and the heads of the ten religions hating Christ; because on the face of it Catholicism is Christianity, not sure. It certainly doesn't sound like Janus is a mummy's boy at any rate.


## Sidenote ## 


It has occurred to me that the whole "Lord's Supper" thing with the bread and the wine, "Holy Communion" practised by unsuspecting Christians for 1600 years is a probable satanic ritual. 


## End ## 


So if the Catholic church is the harlot, who are her daughters? Fairly obviously that will be all the denominations that spawned from it. I'm actually going to stick my neck out here and say except for the Eastern Orthodox church. I think they are the Bride of Christ.


There has been nothing in my research that has had me looking into Russia or Russian history for any information. It's fairly obvious that all Western Christian denominations and churches spawned from the same mother, i.e. Rome/Asherah, but the Orthodox church split from Rome in the great schism in 1054.


I think the Eastern Orthodox church are the representative of the Spirit of Christ on earth which is why my research into other religions hasn't ventured into the countries where the EO church is strong. They are the Bride and it is they who will be taken if there is a rapture. Sorry, but it's the Truth.


Work in progress  


Am still doing some research into Asherah and by extension the Wife of God, will update soon.

