>>10589107 lb
>Aug 29, 2020 10:35:33 AM
>..Even whether it’s dumb warmongers like John Bolton,social pretenders like Bob Woodward, who never has anything good to say, or an unstable niece, who was now rightfully shunned, scorned and mocked her entire life, and never even liked by her own very kind & caring grandfather! [Twitter for iPhone]
From archives of Trump Tweets
POTUS calls Bob Woodward a 'social pretender', a term I have never heard before. I looked for it's defn, but could find none.
I do know what a 'pretender' is, though.
So, Woodward is a 'pretender'.
Is he pretending to be a 'jounalist', in which case Trump is telling us that Woodward is C_A who did a hit job on NIxon with watergate, as many hear suspect.
So, if Trump knew all along that Bob was a pretender, would it not make sense that the reason he gave Bob the interview was because he was setting Bob up to take a fall?
And we know that Hussein fired Mattis. Potus hires him, changes his name from Chaos to Mad dog. Mattis gives 'insights' to Woodward.....hmmm..
Woodward claims Mattis was setting up a coup against Trump.
Maybe Mattis was sort of doing that...just to see who the traitors were.
Trump fires Mattis and treats him just like he did Sessions. Not a good thing to say about him.
I am leaning to Mattis being a sniffer, sniffing out the traitors and Woodward being one of those set up in this plan.
just my humble opining