Anonymous ID: 9416cd Sept. 10, 2020, 10:07 a.m. No.10590102   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Democrats ‘May Not Trust Results Of Election If Trump Wins,’ WashPost Writer Says


The Washington Post’s motto is “Democracy Dies In Darkness.”


So the once-great newspaper is busy spreading darkness.


In a new piece headlined, “Democrats may not trust the results of the election if Trump wins,” the paper sets out the made-up concerns about “what would happen if President Donald Trump loses the November election and refuses to concede.”


But writer Richard L. Hasen, the chancellor’s professor of law and political science at the University of California at Irvine, says there’s another worry that “looms almost as large and gets far less attention: Would Democrats and others on the left accept the presidential results as legitimate if Trump wins? There’s reason to believe they might not – and there are steps Trump and others could take now to bolster his legitimacy if he wins in November. It starts by making sure we have a fair vote.”


While the below reads like an article from The Onion, we promise it’s real:


It’s easy to come up with a scenario where Trump ekes out a narrow victory in states like Georgia and Florida but Democrats blame Georgia voter suppression and the fight to keep former felons from voting in Florida as the reason for Trump’s victory. A democracy depends upon the losers believing the election was mostly fair and agreeing to fight another day, rather than engage in protests and attempts to stop an unfairly chosen leader from serving. If one side sees the other side as consistently cheating, the very premise of democracy is undermined.