Anonymous ID: d23af5 Sept. 10, 2020, 10 a.m. No.10590064   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Is anything going to be done with Fauci & CDC setting up FEMA to take our children away?






>Yes WTF is up with this?


>Some things do need to be stopped!


>I thought we're supposed to be safe, especially our children!



Under no circumstances do you let them take your children. It is called kidnapping. It is a crime. Without proving you did something to deserve having your children taken in a court of law (due process) if they come to your door to suddenly take your children unannounced, do not let them in your home, ever. Same goes for suddenly showing up at your door unannounced to give you or your children a vaccine.

Should this visit occur to take your children because of some anonymous complaint, do not let them in. Attempting to take your child without due process is being done under "color of law" and they need to be sued for it, personally. Any attempt by a non physician to force a vaccine on your child is called practicing medicine without a license.

Will they try it?

Yes, a couple years ago, a whole bunch of parents did not send their children to school because the school required a vaccine the parents knew would damage the children due to research.

Judge hauled the parents into court for truancy.

Parents came to fight the law.

Judge lined the kids up in court for the shot in the courtroom.

Parents got judge disbarred for practicing medicine without a license.



No body gets to make a medical decision for your child without a medical lisence.

No body gets to take your child out of your home without due process.

Enforce the law on these evil pieces of shit who would take your children and sell them to pedophile foster parents.

This whole CPS thing is a racket for the sex traders.


We need to go back to voluntary guardian parents on the record at the time of birth of the child. This way where the child goes in the event of dispute with CPS is already legally decided, and parents can assure it is a safe place with trusted family members.


This is how the Amish handle it. State never gets their children. They still have religiously sponsored and recorded legal guardians… pre-decided.


If they break in, have a gun. chase them out.


If your CPS is doing this, move out.