Guessing marked personally, maybe with her name.
Genaya & Boozie
Boots look right.
Looking at Portland area equestrian clubs, petite fit blonde women 20s. Bonus for choker.
Any almonds activated?
Molalla Volunteer Firefighters.
I think Volunteer Firefighters is a good angle.
What about Volunteer Firefighters that are begging for donations?
Odd phrasing DJT tweet.
Renn is Corney's bitch.
I don't think people work like that though.
For instance, the American Revolution only had 30% popular support, but when it won, it had near unanimous support, with Crown Loyalists afraid to walk down the street.
And it's typically at about 40% that people say something happens "all the time". That's why Anchorman is so funny. 60% of the time, it works all of the time!