Hey bawbags,
Yir no the only Scots in this hoose ya know…
Some of us have been around since Occupy..
Am perceived as a shillslayer oan tha main boards…
(((they))) ken who I m am……
Fae time to time..
Jist making my presence felt!
Hey bawbags,
Yir no the only Scots in this hoose ya know…
Some of us have been around since Occupy..
Am perceived as a shillslayer oan tha main boards…
(((they))) ken who I m am……
Fae time to time..
Jist making my presence felt!
Hey nutjob
Howz ya doin?
How comez you tryin to make us Scot's looking like some enemy
Instead of the die-hard PATRIOTS that we are?
You think we RELY on (((your'e)) POTUS to determine our fate?
We are equally invested in this shit,
And you're energy is very very POOR!
Fancy a parlay BAWBAG?
Mate we have our own fucking doorsteps to take care of.
You trying to tell us that screaming and crying on the streets is the only answer?
Why the fuck should we be protesting what Boris faggot said?
Boris is deep-state, of course he would play their fiddle!
Even you know…..
Touche on the Guillotine!
Oi dumb shill fuck we are fully aware of the fact that oor governments are corrupt as fuck and big time swamp.
But observant anons also realise that USA is the KEYSTONE of Globalism.
I am beyond giving a fuck
How aboot's you kiss my stinky hair ass?
and get back to being the patriot you pretend to be while shilling the USA's brothers!
Your Shill-Fu is weak and it's gonna take more that to stop us bud.
Keep it coming glowfag!
BTW this fag is English ;)