congress is drafting a bill to condemn MSM and the conspiracies they push.
look at his ears. and the whole NFL is on PEDs. Cam, is a freak of nature. When he could scramble when he was younger he was tough to beat. With some gifts comes shortfalls. Pray for Cam.
set up those spinning blades like the indian jones movie "you chose poorly" scene.
Just put KAC kids photo on your tree. You may never see another human, or any living being, on your property again.
they just released "the kraken"!!!!
that is the devils lettuce.
We have the most detailed movie script ever.
You have more than you need.
Follow the pen.
Watch the water.
the question that man has been torn by for thousands of years will finally be answered.
What can't donuts cure???
she has feet like flippers. Her mom is the same as those hadid girls mom. wanna be model forcing their kids into a horrid business.
these girls are the Milhouse meme of actresses/models.
she could have done that video with her toes. her feet are that big.
Paris went tanning for 3 months to get this photo
true story