could mass produced ?
>not effective on children
you have to go back.
"The children of multigenerational abuse are also good at dissociation.
The Illuminati families and European occultists went to India, and Tibet
to study occultism and eastern philosophy. These Europeans learned
yoga, tantric yoga, meditations, and trances and other methods to
disassociate. These skills are passed on to their children via genetics. A
test is run when the children are about 18 months old to determine if
they can dissociate enough to be selected for programming or not. "
One of the primary reasons that the Monarch mind-control programming
was named Monarch programming was because of the Monarch butterfly.
The Monarch butterfly learns where it was born (its roots) and it passes this knowledge via genetics on to its offspring (from generation to generation). This was one of the key animals that tipped scientists off, that knowledge can be passed genetically.
The Monarch program is based upon Illuminati and Nazi goals to create a Master race in part through genetics. If knowledge can be passed
genetically (which it is), then it is important that parents be found that can pass the correct knowledge onto those victims selected for the Monarch mind-control.
The primary important factor for the trauma-based mind-control is the
ability to disassociate. It was discovered that this ability is passed
genetically from generation to generation. American Indian tribes (who
had traumatic ritual dances and who would wait motionless for hours when hunting), children of Fakirs in India (who would sleep on a bed of
nails or walk on hot coals), children of Yogis (those skilled in Yoga, who
would have total control over their body in trance), Tibetan buddhists,
children of Vodoun, Bizango and other groups have a good ability to disassociate.
The children of multigenerational abuse are also good at dissociation.
The Illuminati families and European occultists went to India, and Tibet
to study occultism and eastern philosophy. These Europeans learned
yoga, tantric yoga, meditations, and trances and other methods to
disassociate. These skills are passed on to their children via genetics. A
test is run when the children are about 18 months old to determine if
they can dissociate enough to be selected for programming or not.
Mind-controlled slaves are created for different purposes, hierarchy or
non-hierarchy purposes. The Illuminati create mind-controlled slaves
who are to function within the Illuminati hierarchy. These slaves will
usually have their genealogies hidden, and will be created to have
excellent cover lives to insure that they are not detected. They will be
given multifunctional programming, and will usually be used to help
program other slaves. The abuse will not be as physically visible as it will
be on the bodies of slaves who are not born to be part of the Illuminati
Members of Moriahโs (Moriah = the Illuminati) Luciferian elite will have
undergone as much trauma as other slaves, however the torture scars
and the control are better concealed. These children will often receive
lavish experiences as well as talks to convince them that they are part of
the elite. (By the way, body scars will show up better under black light,
that is the same black light as used in clubs.)
The Illuminati and other organizations have also programmed individuals
who are simply expendable. These are sex slaves who are used up and
killed very early in life, one-time use saboteurs, breeders, soldiers, drug
couriers and so forth. The bodies of these people will often show visible
torture scars. The expendable are the children of parents who were
blackmailed into turning their children over to the CIA. This is all hidden
by the power of the National Security Act. These are children, who have
been sold by pedophile fathers, or pornographic parents. The
programmers/masters program them with the expectation that they will
be "thrown from the freedom train" when they get to age 30. (Freedom
Train is the code word for the Monarch trauma-based mind-control. To
be thrown from the Freedom Train means to be killed.)
The CIA and the Illuminati are skilled at blackmailing parents to give up
their children. They would watch the mail for porn. Pedophile and murderers who abuse their children are warned that they will go to
prison for long lengths of time if they do not cooperate by selling their children into mind-controlled slavery. In return for the parentโs
cooperation, they provide rich financial rewards to the parent(s). Itโs clearly a case of "if you donโt cooperate you lose in life big time, if you
do cooperate you win big time."
Ministers are often set up with Betas (a sexual model) who then
blackmail them. The ministers do not want to lose their status and
profession via scandals, so they agree to turn their children over when
young to the CIA to work with. The Illuminati like to blackmail these
ministers when they are finished with their Seminary schooling and
committed to the ministry at about 33 years of age. The idea of having
nothing to fall back on after they have committed their entire life to one
profession is too much for these weak willed men, and they buckle under
the threats. If they donโt buckle under, the resulting consequences will
remove them from ministry.
The type of father who is most preferred by the Programmers to offer up
their children for programming is the pedophile. If a father will abuse his
own little baby girl, then the Programmers know that the man has no
conscience. This fatherโs involvement in criminal activity (and thereby
his vulnerability) can be continually increased. They want men who they believe will not develop any qualms later on in life about what they have
done. A man, who waits until his daughter is a teenager to molest her, is
usually esteemed to have too much conscience for the programmers.
A big distinction must be made between hierarchy Monarch slaves, and
non-hierarchy Monarch slaves. The reason there is such a big distinction
is that they are not programmed the same way. Since this book is giving
the recipe for how to create a Monarch slave, we will have to cover the
distinction between slaves within the Illuminati and those slaves who
function outside of the Illuminati hierarchy. It is important to stress that
the label "Monarch" is used in this book in a generic sense for the modern
trauma-based total mind-control that is taking place. Whether an
Illuminati mind-controlled slave is technically in the Monarch records or
out of the actual Monarch Program data files kept on computer is merely
a technicality.
Nov 2 2017
Nov 2 2017 13:06:58 (EST) Anonymous ID: zGyR4tyi 147642680
How did NK obtain Uranium?
How did Iran obtain Uranium?
Why did BO send billions (in cash and wire) to Iran?
Why the cash component?
Was the hostage component a cover?
For what?
Could any of the cash component be handed off to other people?
How many planes carried the cash into Iran?
Did all land in Iran?
Did all land in the same location?
Why is this relevant?
Who controls NK?
Who really controls NK?
Don't think of a single person.
Think of a powerful entity.
Why is this important?
Why are wars so important?
Who benefits?
What does hostage refer to?
Who can be held hostage and controlled by NK having miniaturized nuclear weapons?
Where is BO TODAY?
Where is VJ?
Alice & Wonderland.
Kardashians are [A]rmenian
it's called "Dubstep"
Blind Item #14
It is really going to freak out a lot of people when this actor who has been extremely vocal about the underage sex/molesting issue is called out for his sexting and online chats with a 16 year old.
Blind Item #9
Once again the "love story" that was crafted by the momager for her reality star daughter crashed and burned so be on the lookout for a new "love." It would be best to stay away from that one named DJ they are discussing because he has some really damaging audio/video out there that will make anyone near him toxic if they ever get released.