Anonymous ID: a2d4e4 April 22, 2018, 5:09 p.m. No.1150131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0134 >>0404 >>0441 >>0771



Well said anon!!!


Also, since the mind control programming was based on European cultural norms and fairy tales, it may not be as strong in black individuals, meaning that they may well be able to overcome it easier than other celebs.


We should support this process, first by understanding that celebs are not evil, they were forced to DO EVIL by their slaveowners. As they break free from slavery let us praise them for their strength to become a part of American society again.


And let us all learn how a mind control slave is healed from DID so that we can support this process they are working through.

Anonymous ID: a2d4e4 April 22, 2018, 5:09 p.m. No.1150135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0165 >>0203 >>0437 >>0848

[repost from end of last bread]



It's not so simple. Kanye was a mind control slave of the Hollywood media cabal. However, if the programming is not regularly refreshed, it slips. the amnesia walls fade, and the main personality starts to understand what has happened to them. If their core personality is strong enough, it can take the other personas under its wing, and manage the group as a collective with a strong leader who takes care of his brothers and sisters, This all happens in one person's mind, and is the necessary step to heal from the Artificially Induced (AI) Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).


Once an A-list celeb starts on this path of healing their mind, they may very well become /ourguy because they can now be redpilled just like anybody else. Since they have firsthand knowledge of the evil of the Illuminati, they can be redpilled very quickly.


But it is a two-edged sword. The knowledge can also lead them to insanity, such as happened to Jim Carey.


Not all A-list celebs were put through MK_Ulktra. Some of them are actually from Illuminati bloodlines who have a different sort of mind control programming based on childhood abuse (SRA) so you CAN NOT treat all A-list celebs the same.


Most are pitiable victims. Some of the victims are attempting to break free, like Gaga, for instance. A few are evil participants with the Hollywood moguls. I suspect Madonna is in this category. Some are even full-blown bloodline members from day one. I suspect most Jewish comedians are in this category. But some Catholics like Sean Penn also seem to be in this group. And of course, we have some like James Woods and Clint Eastwood who are clearly Trump supporters. Either they never had the mind control programming or they escaped it long ago.


We need to remember a principle of American justice here. Innocent until proven Guilty. If we mix it up and attack anyone who is suspicious then we make it much more difficult for law enforcement to zero in on the ringmasters behind the scenes who are truly evil. These are the Hollywood moguls, the owners of the CREATIVE AGENCIES who own all the A-list actors, singers, sports stars and other entertainers.

Anonymous ID: a2d4e4 April 22, 2018, 5:39 p.m. No.1150418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0427 >>0430 >>0442 >>0445 >>0460 >>0619 >>0906



Nobody has any evidence that Wendy is the name of one of Maggie Nixon's personas. One thing that IS EVIDENCE that this is wrong is that MKUltra cannot be done to children. It does not work because their personalities are not fixed. Their egos are changing and growing all the time. At best they can be conditioned to prepare them for MK ULtra when they are adults.


Secondly, this idea that a name or a word will trigger a persona in a person with Dissociative Identity Disorder is nonsense. Even the Illuminati have always used two senses to form a trigger. A word might be one part of the trigger but without the other part it will do noting at all. The other part might be a pinch on a certain part of the body, or a whiff of a certain fragrance, perhaps worn as a perfume by the handler who bends forward to whisper the trigger phrase in the slave's ear.


And nowadays with MK Ultra and Monarch slaves they typically use 3 senses to create a trigger in order to make it very difficult for a competitor to figure out the triggers, because if the competitor can learn the triggers for your slaves, they can STEAL them. And this has happened in the past.

Anonymous ID: a2d4e4 April 22, 2018, 5:57 p.m. No.1150594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0628 >>0681



Cheese Pizza may well be a code name for Child Porn, but you may have noticed that the pedo crowd always shows pepperoni pizza. That is because the pepperoni sausage is important. It represents the erect male penis which the children suck. Even babies with their well-developed sucking muscles are used by these pedo men. And with young girls, they also rub their penis on the child's clitoris which is in the pizzalice area of the body (crotch triangle) and then when the come, the cum (chiz) is the cheese and the pizza crust is the child's body where this cheese offering is deposited.


Once you know this, all of this pizza art becomes clear. For them it symbolized the pedophile having sex with young (even very young) children. You will notice that the ones who go after the young teens, from age 13 or so up, don't use this pepperoni pizza symbolism because they have sex with these girls in the normal way they would have sex with a woman.


The ones using pizza symbolism are deranged sick individuals. The ones going after young girls have a different psychological problem. Either their first sexual experience was with a young girl and they have now fetishized that age group, or they are enticed by the idea of a forbidden fruit. The older girls often participate quite willingly even though they are not yet competent to understand what they are doing and have not thought through how it will affect their life. The people, both rapists and victims, of this type of child abuse can be treated and cured.


But the pizza people are a different issue. These children will have a hard time growing up to become a normal adult. And the rapists have probably never had sex in a loving context and so their psyche is so damaged that they can't be treated and cured.


I don't believe that our legal system has even considered the issue of pedophilia with babies and really young children because it seemed so rare an unusual. I would not be surprised to see legislators working on new laws that separate sex with minors from full-blown pedophilia so that the appropriate legal response can be given in the two different cases.


And this does not even consider the issue of children having sex with each other at a young age. In my day it was not unusual for the first sexual experience to happen at age 19 or 20. Nowadays kids start at 12 or 13. On the one hand we have to deal with adult pizza pedophiles but we should have different laws to deal with children where it is not clear who is the initiator of sex.