Georgia Officials Caught Handing Over Ballots to Far Left Groups Linked to Hillary Clinton to Ballot Harvest for Joe Biden
Georgia Officials Caught Handing Over Ballots to Far Left Groups Linked to Hillary Clinton to Ballot Harvest for Joe Biden
Planefag checking in. I'm staruying again with my caps as the DDOS caused me to lose where I was up to.
Part 1 - Note GAURD74 - may be nothing but the mis-spelling seemd odd.
Lots of exec jets darting about today.
PAT076 into Chattanooga.
Roger that.
On it's way to meet the ventilation systems.
PAT076 out of Louisville Muhammad Ali into Newport News.
We got this, Anons. They will not control us…
I get knocked down, but I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down…
C-40 Clipper CNV4323 returning from Key West. MC-12W Liberty SOONR70 leaving Oklahoma.
B-52 Buff CHAOS44 headed for Jacksonville.
44 = Obongo? I guess that he's panicking right now.