This may help.
Weak people like to follow shit like this. That's why the UK is now a third-world shithole country.
Because nobody gives a fuck, Sarah.
You Jews have overplayed that card, like blacks have overplayed the racist card.
Every criticism is antisemitic to you. Doesn't fucking fly anymore.
You're simply fucked up Sarah. You.
Go back to you "Jews are good people too" campaign.
You can't meme for fuck. Maxine-level stupid.
Because the Plan Trusts You.
And the deal you make with Satan for all those worldly goodies always has an expiration date.
"More like four inches, Hussein. When he tries going balls deep, there's about four inches left that won't go in."
The only thing you do with rotting flesh is to burn it. Quickly.
Women ruin everything.
Part of the Great Awakening is people waking up to all of the shenanigans that Jews have been playing all of these years. They're being unmasked.
"This testimony is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith, not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men who turn from the truth." – Titus 1:13-14
I'll side with the Apostle Paul over you.
No, you're IQ is too low to grasp what I was saying. Go hang with Maxine.
Did you notice what I did there, Mr. Low IQ? Did you spot it? What Trump often does when he tweets?
You caught it. You're a notch about the level of Maxine. Good start. Still terminally stupid.
Eat shit Low IQ shills