>>1169419 (previous)
I know this board is for research and respect it for that but I just want to say one thing about the Lord ( I haven't posted about this topic before ) Be assured anons..this is the Evil of the Bible…not just our modern vernacular to describe horrible people and deeds..If you believe all that Q has been leading us to then you need to at the very least entertain asking Jesus Christ to be your savior….we are being led to many truths and having many truths confirmed..The existence of physical manifestations of good and evil therefore validating the bible being the largest truth of all …not trying to just be a God thumper i haven't posted about this topic before just seems like some anons miss this logical deduction from the drops ( in terms of salvation ect ) as it doesn't fit their world view and I love all anons on this board(no Ho) so what kind of POS would I be if I didn't testify .