I was unaware of the molestation charges. If true, that makes him a victim of (((them))).
It looks like potus is trying to awaken him. Let's hope otherwise he needs to be brought to heel.
All night last night and terrible coughing.
No flu for me, just bad headache. I think maybe it is the stress and excitement of what is happening.
He has a plan B. Don't be fooled.
I have sorrow for a lost soul. I hope potus can bring him into the light
Did you not notice how potus was pulling him along? By the hand?
That's the way the French show affection. Would be interesting to compare this with his interactions with other world leaders.
I would put Ruby Ridge above Waco.
Yes, the shills are here. Anti-Canadian, anti-black, toilet fans.
Does anyone beside Dr Phil care about daytime Emmys?