German anon? Any news on the server raid?!
The own was a CIA contractor. What more do you need?…
You suck at debunking.
Name 1 good CIA agent….
So far the CIA has a bad list for doing harm against us.. am I right? I dont really give a fuck what you believe. I don't trust him. That's my opinion
My point exactly.
You dont think they'd try to get in with pro trumpers? Where the actual fuck have you been the past 4 years?
Like I said. I dont give a flying fuck what you think about him. I don't trust him. Why are you trying so hard to change my mind?
100% was
Whoops sorry fren. I'm phone fagging lol
He must be a true Patriot if he doesnt vote…
All of his neighbors are Democrats for the most part or unaffiliated. Not a single Republican. Say much?
He is a straight up CIA Democrat scum. Once CIA, ALWAYS CIA.
It's easier to follow along as opposed to my laptop. 10 inch laptop… lol. Plus it's easier for me to dig and pop back in on here kek. Everychan is decent for android
I'm a screenshot whore lol
[N]ational [C]ouncil of [S]tate[w]ide [I]nteroperability [C]oordinators
They update omnichan yet? I need a wall of TVs for my damn computers and research
Notable, yes?
Kevin Clinesmith doesn't count? Now stfu
SAFECOM was formed in 2001 after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 as part of the Presidential E-Government Initiative to improve public safety interoperability, allowing emergency responders to communicate effectively before, during, and after emergencies and disasters. SAFECOM’s mission is to improve designated emergency response providers’ inter-jurisdictional and inter-disciplinary emergency communications interoperability through collaboration with emergency responders across federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial governments, and international borders.
They pulled ot a few months ago
Now… for the second time, NOTABLE?!
Trump is a lion.
Some animals like tigers, lions, cats, etc do this action before attacking their prey suddenly and unexpectedly. In fact they seem waiting insidiously (?) until the appropriate moment for attacking and (usually) the poor prey is not aware of their presence.
What is the verb, phrase, or idiom for describing this action/ state?
I have found "ambush" but I don't know wether it can be used for animals or not.
Even more reason to not buy from them lol
No telling what's in the coffee
Operation Neptune Spear. I still dont buy the official story.
"John Brennon, a White House counter-terrorism advisor, identified the initial point of the mission was to capture bin Laden if he posed no threat. An unnamed US national security official, however, informed Reuters that the operation was, in fact, a kill mission."