Anonymous ID: b5da4a Nov. 24, 2020, 1:16 p.m. No.11769940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9956 >>9993 >>0012 >>0026 >>0095 >>0096 >>0102

So misleading PCR tests, falsified death stats, masks that don't work, lockdowns that don't work, cures suppressed, voices censored, businesses shuttered, criminal blacks martyred, property burned, stores looted, rioters allowed to walk, citizens charged for defending themselves, police defunded, Joe hides in a basement, POTUS rallies like a MF'er, mail-in ballot fraud, dead people voting, 3AM ballot boxes, electronic fraud…..Sure I missed a couple.


WTF else is needed to show people? I'm either going to jump off the damned precipice or walk away from the motherfucker because I'm tired of staring at it.