Anonymous ID: d04098 Nov. 24, 2020, 12:30 p.m. No.11769334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9488 >>9604

“Will You Be Issuing a Pardon For Yourself?!” – Reporter Shouts at President Trump After He Pardons Turkey Named “Corn”


President Trump on Tuesday participated in the National Thanksgiving Turkey Pardoning Ceremony.


The President pardoned a turkey named “Corn.”


“Corn, I hereby grant you a full pardon. Thank you, Corn,” Trump said.


A pool reporter shouted a ridiculous question at President Trump as he walked away with First Lady Melania.


“Will you be issuing a pardon for yourself?” the reporter shouted.

Anonymous ID: d04098 Nov. 24, 2020, 12:36 p.m. No.11769427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9575 >>9745 >>9876 >>0035

Court Rules Texas and Louisiana Can Drop Planned Parenthood From Medicaid


A circuit court ruled Monday that Texas and Louisiana can exclude Planned Parenthood from Medicaid funding, a win for the movement to deprive the abortion provider of federal funding.


The Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overruled a district court's preliminary injunction preventing the exclusion of Planned Parenthood from Medicaid funding. The court of appeals ruled in an 11-5 majority that Planned Parenthood did not have the right to challenge the state's decisions regarding who receives Medicaid benefits.


Medicaid beneficiaries "have no right under the statute to challenge a State’s determination that a provider is unqualified," the court's chief judge wrote in the majority's opinion. Because Planned Parenthood, or its patients, did not have the right to challenge Texas or Louisiana's decision to remove it from Medicaid benefits, the states are allowed to proceed with removing the organization from Medicaid funding.


The legal battle over Medicaid funding for Planned Parenthood in the two states began in 2015 after the release of controversial undercover videos purporting to show Planned Parenthood employees discussing the sale of fetal tissue. Texas and Louisiana state officials moved to kick the abortion provider out of Medicaid funding, citing the videos as evidence that the organization showed a willingness to profit off the sale of fetal tissue. In 2017, a lower court blocked the states from cutting off the Medicaid funding.


The loss of Medicaid funding comes after Planned Parenthood withdrew from Title X funding because of a Trump administration rule forbidding participants in the program from providing direct abortion referrals. The organization cannot receive federal funding for abortion services but does receive Medicaid funding for other health care services it provides.


Planned Parenthood criticized the decision for politicizing health care coverage.


"The governor wants to control where you can get family planning and sexual health care — once again, political ideology is driving health care policy, resulting in reduced access to care," said Planned Parenthood South Texas president and CEO Jeffrey Hons.


Texas attorney general Ken Paxton, along with pro-life groups, cheered the decision.

Anonymous ID: d04098 Nov. 24, 2020, 12:37 p.m. No.11769451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9735 >>9819 >>9936

Redfield projects COVID-19 vaccine to be rolled out by 'end of the second week in December'


CDC director tells Fox News vaccine will be distributed 'in a hierarchical way' starting with nursing home residents


A coronavirus vaccine will begin to become available in the United States "probably by the end of the second week in December," Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield told Fox News Tuesday.


Redfield told "The Daily Briefing" that a vaccine would initially be made available "in a hierarchical way" with priority going to "nursing home residents and then some combination of health care providers and individuals at high risk for a poor outcome."


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has scheduled a Dec. 10 meeting of its Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee to discuss Pfizer's request for emergency use authorization (EUA) of its vaccine candidate.


Last week, Pfizer and German partner BioNTech announced that their vaccine candidate is 95% effective against COVID-19 in a large, ongoing study. The FDA can grant an EUA before the final testing is fully complete.


"I do think we'll have about 40 million doses of vaccine before the end of the … year," Redfield told host Dana Perino. "That's enough to vaccinate 20 million people. But then it will continue through January and February and hopefully by March we'll start to see vaccine available for the general public."


In addition to the Pfizer/BioNTech candidate, potential vaccines from Massachusetts-based Moderna and British-Swedish giant AstraZeneca have also shown promise. Last week, Moderna announced its vaccine was 94.5% effective and it intended to submit an EUA request to the FDA "in the coming weeks."


On Monday, AstraZeneca announced that its vaccine was up to 90% effective against the virus.


Redfield warned Perino that while "it's exceptional that we have these vaccines and very exciting," Americans should still practice the precautions recommended by health officials.


"I want people to be vigilant because we're turning the corner now," he said. "You don't want to be the last group to end up getting COVID."


Redfield added that the surge of cases and hospitalizations across the U.S. is being driven by what he called "the silent epidemic, the asymptomatic infections largely in individuals between the ages of 12 and 35."

Anonymous ID: d04098 Nov. 24, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.11769534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9855



Anonymous ID: d04098 Nov. 24, 2020, 12:57 p.m. No.11769704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9745 >>9785 >>9876 >>0035

All time records set to smash as 4500km-long heatwave hits


Extreme weather stretching 4500km is set to break all-time heat records with some towns right in the crosshairs of the blistering conditions.


A 4500km conveyor belt of scorching weather stretching from Broome all the way to the country’s south east could prove “dangerous” in the coming days as Australians have yet to acclimatise to the blistering conditions following a wet and cool spring, a climate scientist has warned.


The all-time record for Australia’s hottest ever November day could be broken with the mercury rising close to 50C.


There’s also a possibility the Sydney and Adelaide CBDs could top out at 40C. Sydney’s west is expected to easily get into the 40s on both Saturday and Sunday.


“There’s a big build-up of heat in a belt stretching from Broome to Canberra. Once we get to Thursday that will start to kick in across the south and east and peak on the weekend,” Dr James Goldie from Monash University’s Climate Change Communications Research Hub told


Weather weapons or Climate change!

Anonymous ID: d04098 Nov. 24, 2020, 1:02 p.m. No.11769773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9791 >>9820

YouTube Suspends, Demonetizes One America News Network


Big tech censorship strikes conservatives again. This time the target is One America News Network which has been suspended for one week and been demonetized by YouTube for allegedly posting a video promoting a cure for the COVID-19 China coronavirus.


The action against OAN was first reported by Axios (excerpt):



YouTube has barred One America News Network from posting new videos for a week and stripped it of its ability to make money off existing content after the Trump-friendly channel uploaded a video promoting a phony cure for COVID-19, YouTube spokesperson Ivy Choi tells Axios.


Why it matters: YouTube has been criticized for allowing OANN to spread misinformation using its platform, particularly around coronavirus and the election. This marks the Google-owned service’s first crackdown against OANN.


CNN quoted the statement by YouTube’s Ivy Choi:


“After careful review, we removed a video from OANN and issued a strike on the channel for violating our Covid-19 misinformation policy, which prohibits content claiming there’s a guaranteed cure,” Ivy Choi, a YouTube spokesperson, told CNN in a statement.


“Additionally, due to repeated violations of our Covid-19 misinformation policy and other channel monetization policies, we’ve suspended the channel from the YouTube Partner Program and as a result, its monetization on YouTube,” Choi added.


CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan noted that OANN is carried by several cable companies, “OANN, which has become a hub of conspiracy theories undermining the integrity of the election, is also carried by major cable operators, including DirecTV, which is owned by CNN’s parent company AT&T.”


Look for a stronger effort by the censorious left and media to further deplatform One America News Network.


UPDATE: The ADL says YouTube’s actions against OANN is “insufficient”, “While it is commendable that YouTube took action here, it’s unclear why this is the channel’s first strike. OANN has been involved in spreading electoral misinformation since at least early Nov. & this limited ban on posting new content is insufficient.”

Anonymous ID: d04098 Nov. 24, 2020, 1:05 p.m. No.11769803   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Necessary Check in this Unbalanced Field of Corruption


I walk a fine line here on this Lame Cherry in standing against Pedo Joe Biden's criminal election fraud and watching out for each of you to not get suckered into stepping out too far in the Trump legal meanderings.


This is distasteful for me as Donald Trump did not do jack or shit for anyone of us for the past 4 years, and his positions are a great deal like King David in Absalom's coup, in those who are left in this are the ones who are not the frauds, the ones in old west terms were called Hard Sells, in the Indians would not touch them, as they knew them to be men who would defend the ground they were standing and die there without question.


It has been an absolute reprehensible disservice in those two preppy flakes from FOX in Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham. Carlson tried to flush out the evidence from Sidney Powell for MI6 FOX and Biden, and Ingraham on Monday told her clap trap audience that it was over and Biden would be inaugurated.


For a reality check, Rudi Giuliani told Lou Dobbs the following which is the fact, that the Trump case has not been heard, literally in one court of law. The Pennsylvania judge shut down the case without even hearing any evidence. What Giuliani stated is the President needs one fair court, and this will turn around, and it will.



“Deadlines are urgent, no question about it. There isn’t a lot of time, but there’s time. And the fact is that the facts are there, we just need to get them before a trier of fact or before a court that’ll be fair and will listen… The court in Pennsylvania cut it off without listening to a single fact. And I don’t know how the judge could’ve concluded that the facts aren’t substantial when they haven’t even been presented yet… Unfortunately, we haven’t yet gotten a fair decision. We will. We’ve got to be a little patient. One fair decision, one good hearing, and this will turn all around.”



The turn around will come fast, when a Judge throws out the fraudulent paper ballots, which evidence of is filling the information scales. Votes have been counted which can not be counted. Illegals voted. There are votes which were not authenticated by legal rules. There were mass vote dumps out of insane asylums. There are hundreds of thousands of votes which are illegal in the stolen Biden states, which will be set aside and when that ruling is handed down from the bench, then Donald Trump has his states of Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Michigan immediately returned to him.


Nevada's final vote was over 100,000 votes more than the votes cast.


Corrupt Nevada - Total Ballots Cast 1,327,394,

Total Presidential Election Votes 1,405,376