That would be double jeopardy, which is illegal.
I had some in my area that never heard of Q, and just wanted to sell maga paraphernalia. When I heard the term "nigger" out of one of them I decided they were not legit. But the people who were running this crew were obviously the one's you can't criticize. So I realized they were being deceived.
Finances are tough on everyone, I read earlier on this board 48% of small biz going under soon due to lock downs. I spoke with an old lady today who told me she doesn't have much money left for even food, it broke my heart, I'm in the same boat. The first time in my life I just couldn't. Will there be a stimulus or reset or whatever. These people took over human resources first, locked down applications by big tech, and due to security you just can't walk in and apply for jobs at most places. It's all controlled.
I think it actually comes from the chem trailing, barium, aluminum, and fungi. Then 5g triangulation sends waves to people that agitates it. Most senior homes have 5g already and spraying hasn't stopped.
Also I think they use they subway steam to spray it in cities. Big cities have the least population of children, maybe that's why they are such a low percentage.
If you have symptoms try a mabis steam with Braggs apple cider vinegar, pink Himalayan sea salts, and some honey.
The cider kills fungus and chelates, honey kills most bacteria, and the salt does both and ionizes. It work for me and another person in 15 minutes. I did get symptoms when I was in the NYC as soon as I passed a vent, got a runny nose. By the time home I felt it in my chest.
The bible is the truth, but only God can reveal the hidden meanings, it's called Revelation.
Yes, but Braggs is most effective by 3 fold. Never use white vinegar. Put the vinegar in first about a teaspoon, then the salt and mix until disolved, then add a few drops of honey, manuka is the best but any will do. Then add water with the mixture. Only put this in the bottom water resevior not the top. Only pure water on top, filtered. Great for all respiratory problems.
When understood correctly, all these religions are symbols of higher truths and most use similar symbology. But what is real or not can only be experienced by the seeker. Only you can find the door and only you can walk through it. But here is the catch, it is protected by higher sources and cannot be bought, begged for, or borrowed.
Actually it was two angels that said why are you looking for the living amongst the dead?
Let me explain, Emmanuel was born of a virgin
Isaiah 7:14 old testament and Matthew 1:23 new testament.
Jews do not recognize Isaiah 7:14 because even though it is in the old testament; it would require of them.
Christ means self sacrifice, Jesus became Christ. The synagogue of Satan worships self preservation as we see today. They sacrifice others and only consider their lives.
The way of the cross is the way of self sacrifice.