>>12006266 lb
A man ready to enter his passionate wife in a warm embrace?
>>12006266 lb
A man ready to enter his passionate wife in a warm embrace?
True. Amen.
Thoundth exthiting
Photoshop destroys lives
Hacking and fiddling with internetivity ruins careers and reputations
Too many people of power with too many opinions on how it is. Strength in reality overcomes doubt in delusional.
Haha. A zero as you slip off the table.
People deeply sleeping. Only the awake suffer.
Bit sick. There is no place for me here then.
None of their business.
So you invade privacy and then put hurt guilt onto subjects. Sweet.
โฆ and they never get back to ya.
You are ushering in globalised hive mind by luring the most independent with pussy and fame.
I only ever wanted a happy family, a handful of true friends, and the woman.
I just want a say and give consent. I adapted and overcome by quietly achieving.
So what's covid really then.
๐ถring ring๐ถโฆ 33 minutes of elevator music whilst they talk around the water cooler and rich nerdy, uncoordinated fuckers bang whore'sโฆ
"Yeah this is the Australian Government. The Commonwealth, not the American brand. What the fuck do you want"?
"We the people want Julian Assange released and pardoned because he exposed filth".
"Well why didn't you just say so ya fuckin bottom feeder.
Lucyโฆ Take the call. Fuckin convicts"โฆ