You also cant explain stupid to stupid either
Problem is they also wrote an assload of other stuff as appendeums on how to avoid having to fix the shit
which no one bothered to read
the constitution papers
or the federalist papers
something like that
half the people on this board right now fail to realize we live in a republic not a democracy
why should he be careful bout that?
you sound like a shill+concernfag hybrid
you should be warning australian news to be careful instead since it came from there
thanks for confirming
except natural selection has been circumnavigated by all the warning labels, as soon as they rip off all the warning labels so their spawn can suck on that light socket……
a coalition of ex porno extras trying to erase the evidence that they all did bit parts in porn
I predict 50% less chinese restaraunts in the near future
and 25% less dry cleaners
and 15% less liquor stores
that would pretty much be evry church that signed for a tax exemption
I dont either im just pointing out 2 million is a big number and am betting alot of chinese fast food owners on that list
Here is a bible question
where in history or in the bible does it say/show where god actually told them to put the bible together?
Cause from the looks of it a bunch of fucking control freaks took it upon themsleves just to do it without any word from god
because codemonkey made it so
also dont forget they left out the book of enoch
SO MANY anal probings could have been avoided
proving the ones who put the bible together were evil cause they aided aliens in anal probing human by keeping the enoch warning manual out
people moving out have to pay 3x higher rental than moving in
thats how uhaul charges their rates so they have to disclose destination
used to be distance not time
maybe they are factoring in rotation times then