That’s a man baby.
CoVid 19 is a real bioweapon virus. It was made to take out those with known and unknown underlying conditions.
At home feeling under the weather for past 6 days. For me, started with sore throat, tired, then tightness in chest with deep breaths; been Much sicker in the past. I’m over 55 and in fairly good health. Got tested, waiting on results.
SpouseAnon has been fine, works as a detective. Woke up yesterday with bronchial cough, extremely tired, doesn’t feel well. Spouse has several big underlying health conditions including diabetes. Was hit much worse than me right from the beginning. Contacted boss to say not working this weekend and found out 2 peers tested positive for Beer flu yesterday. Spouse scheduled to be tested Monday.
Fortunately, out of an abundance of caution, after I contacted my doc earlier in week, I contacted the ‘Frontline doctorS’ so I could get HCQ, Z-pack, and Zinc. I regularly take prescribed Vitamin D (2-50,000 Unit caps) once every month so took it 6 days ago, big boost to immune system.
Had SpouseAnon contact ‘Frontline doctor‘ to have HCQ & Z pack meds on hand just in case. As it turns out, he woke up sick next day.
My state will not allow HCQ to be prescribed for virus. So here is the contact info for Frontline Doctors ( docs we all saw on TV supporting HCQ)
Consult was $90.
Meds were $225. 3 month supply HCQ + others.
$$ Worth my life IMHO
It’s important to take it EARLY onset to be effective. Good to have on hand just in case. Going to order for my elderly parents tomorrow.
So please don’t spread disinformation about virus being fake. It’s real, just worse for some more than others. People still dying (Mortality) but even more so, otherwise healthy people are being left with lifelong serious lung and health issues(Morbidity). AND THE MEDIA IS NOT TALKING ABOUT IT. There’s a dig!!! Idaho numbers are HIGH. It’s almost as if (they) are targeting Conservative areas for the recent big outbreaks. Now they have election results of where conservatives really are, not the fake results.
Check theMorbiditystats, not Mortality stats.
Carry on o7
Ty Anon.
Can I use any brand apple cider vinegar? Do I crush the sea salts?
Live in a fairly good size city, but no subways. Definitely 5G though.