"a JAG..an accused.. & a date.."
..don't forget the 'devil in a blue dress…'
"a JAG..an accused.. & a date.."
..don't forget the 'devil in a blue dress…'
"Harmony & Peace"
{..the 'demons' are your own, Jon..}..
All I can do is watch..
Interact once in awhile..
Intercede, If I need to..
Respect opinions and live with their decisions,
as long as No Harm comes from it..
Protect the vulnerable (as I see it).
I DO NOT paint any people, culture, country with "one brush" nor wish or desire harm to anyone.
LIFE, is an adventure, to be Lived.
Do No Harm.
"Be Best"
"Best Be"
"Be Blessed"
"Blessed Be"