pic one is of antifa suspects and I have their license plate.
As the crowd gathered around the capital I knew the tactic of look here and not there. I jumped in my vehicle and drove around the capital looking for the false flaggers leaving the grounds. I found a suspected carload of them and have their plates. I also have a suspect cameraman.
This photo was taken at exactly 2:30 at approximately this large area.
pic 1 is of the southside of the capital amongst the buildings. I got turned around and didn't know exactly what street I was on but I know it was southwest of the capital.
Pic 2 is of the suspected agitators. The one in black was calling for violence with a bull horn. I told him we know who he is and he better get the hell out of here. The other fake army dude was wearing similar gear to the two fake desert storm army guys trying to bait patriots that we need bodies on the opposite side of the building. No one took the bait because we were yelling at him to quit glowing.
Pic 3 is of the possible area I was driving to find antifa. I think this is location of pic 1.
Pic 4 is suspect cameraman. Had gloves on because it was so cold and could barely operate my camera. He was working with another guy just in front of him out of the pic. They did not want me taking their pic and body language was suspect AF.