Oce 10 dana tame poceti sutra?
Ja osobno mislim da je to to.
Ulazimo u predsjedanje joea bidena…10 dana
Deset dana mraka.. i onda ide dark to light
Oce 10 dana tame poceti sutra?
Ja osobno mislim da je to to.
Ulazimo u predsjedanje joea bidena…10 dana
Deset dana mraka.. i onda ide dark to light
Ovo su poruke drugog najviseg vojnog casnika u oruzanim snagama amerike…
Prosudite sami za sebe…
i sad lad pogledamo one Q poruke od prije 3 godina sve imaju smisla.
Znaci trump obrisan sa twittera i sada je trenutno tiho bez izjava.
Q je rekao da je jedini nacin vojni nacin i sada je DC prepun vojske..
Jednostavno nevjerojatno!!
Tim vise sto sam ovdje medju rijetkima koji sve prati uzivo….
Provjereno na Novoj tv prije nekoliko dana.
Digli hajku kako se informacije ne bi trebale traziti po drustvemim mrezama vec bi se trebali slusati lijecnici i znanstvenici!
panika medju medijima u hrvatskoj!!
Ova odvratna voditeljica je cak i rekla da nije dobro slusati tamo neke "anonimne" osobe koje pricaju o nekim stvarima.
Jel su to spomenuli nas ovdje?
Znaci ova reportaza ide ovako… daj nadji neku budalu koja je nesto rekla i odna to razhlasi na sva zvona da ljudi ostanu "spavati" i da nastave slusati medije. Sve ovo radi tamo neke anonimne osobe koja prica gluposti? Znaci pronasli su tri zene. Stavili ih pred kamere..u udarni termin na televiziji i osudili slobodu govora po drustvenim mrezama pod krinkom "dezinformacije su opasne".
Nisu se nikada do sada ovako snazno borili protiv "anonimnih osoba sa drustvenih mreza". I nisu nikada do sad ovak uporno promovirali nesto kao "sigurno i ucinkovito".
Potpuna panika medju medijima. Ljudi su se poceli buditi a kada se ljudi poncu buditi tesko ih je ponovno staviti na spavanje.
Ova reportaza je potpuni promasaj i totalno amaterski. Ja sam ocekivao jaci napad od kriminalaca…a dobili smo samo ovo…
mainstream izvjestavanje se u zadnjih godinu dana, svelo sa kontroliranog laganja i zavodjenja ljudu u gorcevitu borbu protiv istine koja nadire sa svih strana.
Nikada kao do sada se nisu trudili da opovrgnu i oznace netocnim nesto sto se dijeli po internetu!
Gube kontrolu..i pticama na granama je jasno!!
Idemo dalje…
prelijepi hrabri svijet nam lezi na dohvat ruke!
Jel.to iz knjige ili filma?
Izbacilo mi dva kong otok lubanja i apokalipsa danas xD
Court hearing for Ghislaine maxwell disrupted by 14,000 Qanon crazies
The FBI warns QAnon followers discussed plans to infiltrate the Presidential Inauguration by posing as National Guard. Yesterday, the Pentagon assessed there's no evidence of an "insider threat"
Kad smo vec kod ovoga…naci cu jedan clanak koji je nakon kapitola osvanuo i kod nas
Evo ga…napadaju i kod nas….
Angeli je već otprije postao zapažena ličnost u pokretu teorije zavjere QAnon, pojavljujući se na skupovima krajnje desnice u Arizoni.
Ima li ista sa general threada o ovome?
ili nesto na thousendeyesu?
Napadi napadi napadi…sa svih strana…
Ubrzo se saznalo kako je to Jake Agnelli, šaman QAnona i očito pristaša Donalda Trumpa.
Anons may want to see this….
ALERT! MEGA Obama Donor Arrested For Sexual Abuse With Underage Child
“She told me not to talk to certain people, she told me to go on the run at a certain point,” the detective quoted the boy as saying. “So, if I did testify I was told I wasn’t supposed to get my money. So that’s why I did not testify. And that’s why my attorney told me to go on the run.”
Myers wrote the boy’s lawyer gave him a “burner” phone and cash, and worked to hide him in a cabin in the mountains outside of Portland.
The story of Bean’s arrest comes a day after we reported that a group of Democratic lawmakers in California are proposing legislation that would further enable adult sexual predators to target children by saving them from having to register as sex offenders.
The California Globe noted further:
State Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) and Assemblywoman Susan Eggman (D-Stockton) introduced recent legislation “to end blatant discrimination against LGBT young people regarding California’s sex offender registry.”
However, under their bill, SB 145, the offenders would not have to automatically register as sex offenders if the offenders are within 10 years of age of the minor.
“Currently, for consensual yet illegal sexual relations between a teenager age 15 and over and a partner within 10 years of age, ‘sexual intercourse’ (i.e., vaginal intercourse) does not require the offender to go onto the sex offender registry; rather, the judge decides based on the facts of the case whether sex offender registration is warranted or unwarranted. By contrast, for other forms of intercourse — specifically, oral and anal intercourse — sex offender registration is mandated under all situations, with no judicial discretion,” said Wiener (and of course, that would be his name).
“This bill would authorize a person convicted of certain offenses involving minors to seek discretionary relief from the duty to register if the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor,” SB 145 states.
Within 10 years of the age of the minor.
So…a 20-year-old man/woman can sexually abuse a 10-year-old child and get away with it because…’blatant discrimination against LGBT young people….’
Are you starting to see a pattern here? Because we are.
Sexual deviancy, sex with children, molestation of children, sexual exploitation of children all seem to be Democrat traits.
These people are sick. There is no way we can ever let them be in charge again.
This article originally appeared at The National Sentinel and was republished with permission.
*Some edits have been made.
Let us know what you think in the comments below!
Sick of the censorship and election meddling?
Maxwell Court hearing
11,653 views•Streamed live 3 hours ago
Sve objave Generala Hytena na telegramu.
Sve objave Generala Hytena na telegramu…
Oho…jesi provjeravao jel svima oko tebe isto?
Upravo gledam…molim pogledajteni vi…
Internet blokade u Washingtonu i Kaiforniji se desavaju kao lude!!! Necjerovatno za gledati…
Gina Haspel odstupila!!!
Director Gina Haspel has retired.
6:53 PM · Jan 19, 2021·Twitter Web App
What a coincidence.
GTMO845 takes off from Ft Lauderdale to Guantanamo Bay at the same time Haspel's exit is announced.
GTMO845 = 8+4+5 = 17
Infiltration from within xD
Flynn na telegramu.
Prvi dio. Trilogija…
Ja mislim da ce biden prisegnuti.
nekako mi se cini pre lagano i pre ocito da se sve rijesi danas.
…i onda iducih 10ak dana…all hell on earth will be unlished…
Pratite kada se trump ukrca na af1