UK Column 29 Jan 21
00:24 - COVID 19 Propaganda Gone Wild And Vaccine Variant Insanity
10:18 - EU Narrative To Create False Scarcity and the Illusion of Demand
12:16 - Adverse Reactions To Vaccines? No One Knows.
13:54 - Forced Vaccination Via Corporate Policy
16:26 - The Great Reset Fun At Davos
24:44 - Social Media Giants Competing With States
28:31 - Nicole Schwab Promotes The Family Business Interest In Carbon Markets
33:15 - Financial Shell Game Driving the Climate Change Agenda by Destroying Third World Development
41:14 - The Great Reopening
43:40 - Birdwatch Rolls Out More Social Media Censorship
51:37 - Brexit Chaos By Design
55:43 - Financial Shell Game Faces A Challenge From The Public
01:09:00 - The MSM Admits The So Called Storming of Capitol Hill Was A Set Up An Other Co-intel-pro Operations