So how is it that there appears to be a conservative app out there and I never heard about it until about 15 mins ago when I fell down the rabbit hole? Have y'all heard of it and I just missed out? I'm here probably close to 20 hours a day, 7 days a week and I've never seen it discussed here. Anonup? Anyone? It is about 90% what we do here just posted over there
I unsubscribed to all things Republican. No party affiliation for me until I see a better option
So I was never on Twitter, but I look at stuff on Twitter a lot. Looks similar. I haven't dug in too deep yet, but there are familiar faces there - or familiar voices i guess
It seems pretty easy to sign up/use. I signed up. Just need an email address. I'm going to link something and see what happens
And no it isn't mine, I'm not ghost Ezra
Just breaking the spell