[DS] GLOBALIST KHAZARIAN SHASU [ASSYRIAN HITTITE] MAFIA… very ancient [occult pre-history] Pedovore [cannibal] Skull/ Death cult
= Ancient Babylon and the "Old Wisdom Religion" aka Luciferian Vampirism/ Tantra & Sex Magick aka Latin: Ophiolatreia/ Ophiolatry/ OTO/ IOT Thelema
= ancient Persia/ ancient Parthia
= Old Anatolia [Turkey and the Ottoman Empire Balkans aka old Austrian crownland of Illyria; especially Old Vardarska = Macedonia etc today];
= Old Urartu [Armenia/ Iran];
= Old Turan [Iran/ Kurdistan/ Kazakstan etc];
= Old Khazaria [Old Colchis, Albania on the Caucasian sea, Abkhazaria, Georgia & Ukraine];
= Old Khotan [Tibet/ Nepal]
= [DS] KM GUK (GokTurk Uyghur Kheta) Lamaic Siberian [Scythian Skoti] Aryan Caucasian/ [Scythian Uyghur] GokTurk Mongolian
"SAR-ONGUR" [White-Uyghur/ Hun] gypsies,
eg Joe Biden etc etc etc
= [DS] KM AG (Ashkenazi gypsy) Lamaic Shasu Hurro-Urartian [old Urartu] Vannic [old Lake Van, Armenia/ Iran] Zoroastrian gypsies,
eg George Soros etc etc etc
= [DS] KM Yezidi (Islamic Sufi Indian-origin Djatt gypsies):
[DS] Old Khotanese [old Khotan] Lamaic 'Bon' Buddhism/ Lamaic Indian Buddhism/ Hinduism Djatts/ Jats/ Yats [old Annam Empire = Indian sub-continent, SE Asia: Malays/ Indonesians];
[DS] China/ Mongolia; Eastern Russia; Western Russia Chechens & ex-USSR nations; Belarus, EUSSR EU UE,
eg Kamala Harris, Barak Soetoro/ Obama etc etc etc
ISIS = LAMAIC Yezidi Eastern Kurdish sect & useful African Somalians etc
eg Ilhan Omar etc etc etc
= [DS] KM New Age Ultra Nation/ Swiss Indo[nesian] cult DISINFORMATION puppets agenturs
eg SRA (Sara Ruth Ashcraft), Isaac Kappy, Max Igan, etc etc etc