Young Blood sacrifices
Screaming infant during circumcision.
Countess Elizabeth Báthory
All virgins = clean
Stem cells growth factors etc.
Young Blood sacrifices
Screaming infant during circumcision.
Countess Elizabeth Báthory
All virgins = clean
Stem cells growth factors etc.
More to some legends and myths than most want to admit.
Today's known bio-science discoveries were misunderstood rituals then.
Growth factors maybe from those sources
Human stem cells …no
YES; Twisted and sick = evil
Julian Assange
(v.): When a group of powerful people use organizations and/or states under their control to actively persecute, marginalize or imprison a dissident, whistleblower or journalist by using psychological torture, false accusations and manipulating vagaries in the laws of the involved nations and international treaties (Lawfare) to silence the individual.
Rook: Rooks are most powerful towards the end of a game
correction : Assange / Assuage
assuage (əˈsweɪdʒ)
vb (tr)
to soothe, moderate, or relieve (grief, pain, etc)
to give relief to (thirst, appetite, etc); satisfy
to pacify; calm