Anonymous ID: 60b2ee Jan. 26, 2021, 1:39 a.m. No.12717834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7863

>>12717682 (pb)

LOL WTF does that have to do with Markle's faux state visit with Harry…kek Tutu is with the same PR firm so they borrowed a kid and had a nice "social" with Tutu so she could get some pics and stop the rumors about no kid. The entire thing was hysterical because the kid acted like it had never seen her OR Harry before (it hadn't) and the boy clothes she brought to merch were wrong size,,,it kept tryna get away from her.


She faked an entire pregnancy. POTUS helped the Queen :) they knew she wasn't pregnant. Remember her elite NYC baby shower?LOLOLOLOL she thought she was getting a baby girl (met with all the big names in child trafficking…they attended her shower, not her jail bird mom tho) and they had pink decorations etc….POTUS had that place wired for sound/video. They shut that whore down so fast. She never got her hands on a baby.

She was trying to get her fake court case delayed so she told the judge she was knocked up (LOL) then magically miscarried.


EVERYTHING from the zoom calls to ..well everything, is fake. She was WHITE until she met Harry on her resume. She toted around a fake baby (look at the faces…) and kept waiting it out thinking she was gonna get her hands on a new one…two years later and no one has ever seen her with a live baby. It's hysterical she's got to be spitting nails. She's not getting a payday either. They just need to wait for POTUS to pull the trigger over here.

>>12717694 (pb)

10, 000 illuminuti credits have been added to your social credit score.


Who told you that, and why do you believe it?

Anonymous ID: 60b2ee Jan. 26, 2021, 1:48 a.m. No.12717892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7910


I cannot wait. Antifa data map (portland) wonder how many CNN / reporters are on these maps? There's quite a few of them.


2,000 credits have been deducted from your social credit score.


(you're getting in red zone…)



What happens when you use the Jew Playbook against them?


Eliahi, dat u? you still printing up those space ambassador passports? You short on the horse?



Do you believe Jews are the chosen?

Anonymous ID: 60b2ee Jan. 26, 2021, 1:54 a.m. No.12717932   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Please tell me they took out that sack of shit Juan O savin (aka Wayne R. Willott)


Reversible belt…don't do it…there's always tomorrow.


Fat fuck Willott has nearly 400k views on jewtube and no one wonders why the fucker is allowed on jewtube.


Anonymous ID: 60b2ee Jan. 26, 2021, 2 a.m. No.12717985   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8179




First, understand what a short position is: you pay me a fee to rent a stock from me, which you then sell. You have to return the STOCK to me at a prearranged point in the future. You cannot simply give me money for the stock, you must return an actual share of it, or you go to jail. This is not bankruptcy, this is jail shit. Your bet is that you can buy that stock back cheaper than you sold it and pocket the difference.

>this short position is drastically oversold, as in there are more shares that have been borrowed and must be returned than there are outstanding. Estimates of this overselling are typically in the 140-160% range, but because some owners cannot or will not sell their stocks on price action alone, the real number is probably closer to 300%

Hedge funds that own these short positions have fail safes built in that automatically purchase stocks as they rise in price in order to - that's right - hedge their position.

>a number of institutional investors have purchased this stock in the last year, raising its price from a low of $3 (probable that the short position target is $1) to around $20. The shorts respond by both buying shares based on auto triggers, and by buying more shorts, because shorts will hopefully push the price down. Unfortunately for them, they are hubristically digging themselves an impossible hole because the retail investors who do the work the pros won't do when it comes to analysis have decided the stock is worth somewhere between $100 and $800 per share. I'm not going to go into the reasons here, but it's not all rocket ship memes driving this.


Anonymous (ID: NPg01Ci8) 01/26/21(Tue)03:42:05 No.305126053▶>>305127374 >>305128616 >>305128930

The shorts simply must purchase shares at varying points as their positions mature, and also to hedge their overall position. Today, a big hedge fund called Melvin Capital almost went bankrupt, and was bailed out by two other firms, one of which is a supposedly neutral 'market maker' that has been publicly shitting on GME in an effort to depress the price.

>in the end, here is what matters. As long as the people holding these stocks refuse to sell, the price will just climb higher and higher because the shorts have no option whatsoever but to buy them. Today was nothing. This is a standoff, and if the retail investors, who make up probably 70-90% of the shares that could actually be acquired by the shorts, refuse to back down, then this thing could get really stupid really fast. Systemic risk stupid. There is a reason CNBC was shitting bricks today talking about muh foreign influence and begging the sec to rescue their hedge fund buddies from these internet meanies.

I dont think WSB and whoever else has all these stocks have the stones to bring the system down, but it doesn't matter. This will be a massive wealth transfer, and wealth is almost never transferred from rich to poor. And next time the market fucks up, these people will have even more money to go to war with.

>alternatively, congress or the sec could make a move against the retail market. This could be anything from imposing new rules on WSB, or getting them shut down, to attacks on Robin hood and other trading systems retail investors use. This also represents systemic risk, in that it could produce some very ugly protests or even another Occupy movement, one with teeth this time.

TL:DR Jews fucked up, goyim noticed, Jews currently crying out in pain as they strike. Possible world war 3 incoming, who knows?

Anonymous ID: 60b2ee Jan. 26, 2021, 2:15 a.m. No.12718079   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8093 >>8134 >>8180 >>8303 >>8383 >>8415


And not a single military member saluted him.

Kek check out that cunt in the twatter…


JANE your ignorant slut, you have two choices

  1. All of those uniformed people are merely actors

  2. Joe Biden is not president of anything.


There is no other choice. There is no way to slide, there is no other work around. The US is not a banana republic and our FINE MILITARY would never, ever turn their backs or spit on their Commander in Chief.


reporters reading here you're stupid af

Anonymous ID: 60b2ee Jan. 26, 2021, 2:24 a.m. No.12718129   🗄️.is 🔗kun


WTF country are you from? I am 100% certain they were briefed on appropriate behavior re Biden. You don't tell a neutral military to shit on the incoming president. They fucking hated Obama with a fucking passion and not once did you ever see any military disrespect the office of president.


Based on the spit, my guess is they were FULLY briefed on the situation and they know.


I do not know why it is so hard to understand this simple thing. YOU have not and will not see ANY real military salute Biden. ALL the fucking times he should have / could have? NOTHING. They faked shit in the inauguration by splicing shots around of the military in the top section saluting the flag. A military person will ALWAYS ALWAYS salute the flag when it's in motion. ALWAYS. So they took those shots and made it kinda look like they were saluting President Pedo.

Anonymous ID: 60b2ee Jan. 26, 2021, 2:31 a.m. No.12718170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8182


I was FURIOUS about that because it's fucking obvious that Biden isn't president and the comments about the military were VILE. I despise their ignorance. They could be actors and the NG shit a 100% LARP. There's only two choices. I love seeing the psychobabble article clips/vidyas on here with the talking heads yapping and yapping and it's all a fucking bullshit because the media went dead silent on that….all the fucking paytriots making bullshit videos…..I do hope there's some charges brought on some of them.

Anonymous ID: 60b2ee Jan. 26, 2021, 2:43 a.m. No.12718235   🗄️.is 🔗kun


dumbed down for normies

Let me try another way.

>be me, sneaky jew who likes to gamble

>see happy goy with stonk worth $4

>dont like that stonk, dont like that company, I want it to die

>rent $4 stonk from stupid goy for pennies, but have to return it in a year or go to jail

>sell stonk for $4, plan to buy it back for $1 and return to stupid goy

>other jew likes goy stonk, buys a bunch of it, price goes up


>buy more goy stonks at $8, $10, $20 so I don't lose too much

>also rent more stonks and sell them too to raise money for these other purchases

>that's a lot leverage

>evil goyim realize I'm vulnerable, refuse to sell me any more stonks


>price now over $100

>holy fuck I have to buy 30 million of these things wat do

>goyim still wont sell, get bailout

>goyim still wont sell, bigger bailout

>bigger bailout

>bailout now costs all the money in the world

>its annuddah shoah

Anonymous ID: 60b2ee Jan. 26, 2021, 3:16 a.m. No.12718408   🗄️.is 🔗kun


10/10 that little bitch slut of a daughter posted it herself.


Why are those bitches interfering in a family matter? OH right, the parents don't have the fucking balls to put that slut into a mental health facility and detox her off social media and fucking ground her ass and take away her phone and computer.


Who's the parents?

Anonymous ID: 60b2ee Jan. 26, 2021, 3:29 a.m. No.12718481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8511



PROOF inauguration was FILMED and put together.


I don't know how to explain…look at timestamp on red minute men…walking through the hats on the ground…none of them are missing hats. This indicates that the men actually missing hats should have marched through BEFORE them…right?


Blue uniforms, see they are missing hats, now look at timestamp. How could the men actually missing their hats walk through AFTER the redcoats–who walked through their hats.


This shit was filmed from multiple angles in one go…then EDITED to make the version you saw.


One view was a long shot (left in on purpose?) that showed one last group of red coats marching by Bidens….NO one was behind them…however KEK the next shot was the pic I posted here of the blue coats missing hats. LOL continuity fail.


Does this help anyone understand? can you see? this was a MOVIE set….filmed then stuck together.


how do you make a movie?


with lots of extras…(which we literally saw arriving with "costumes" in tow. In MM's live stream at louisiana and central.