Anonymous ID: c6c337 Jan. 27, 2021, 2:15 a.m. No.12728936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9032

TYB KEK outstanding title…here have some red.



> Patrick Byrne

>Elon Musk

hate short selling, clearly both /pol/tards…what could happen?


>the bear will leave its cave forever.




I suck at other people's shit, but 10/10 that dam is gonna break. The only thing I'm unwilling to say is in this timeline, whether or not it will have help. Earth changes are what I see with (star will gorge itself on clay…)


PS I actually get in a state of terror re FBI…take massive risk, call FBI….FBI shows up, goes in office, shakes hands laughs has coffee, high fives on the way out….someone keeps helping this asshole get out from under the pounds at a time drug trafficking…and the other shit? Sure hope there's never an EQ around here. Something something standards, steel etc.


FUUCK the drugs aren't even what was called about, that's NOTHING compared to what he WAS doing. Don't call, write, or visit. Won't answer. And don't inject CP onto my computer like you did …."someone else"


Just think use logic…Chinese / Kike plans to create havoc in US have been stymied. But there are thousands of places in the US like what I mentioned….I saw them, thousands SLEEPING. And they won't have a choice but to do what they are ordered. Some are more skilled than others. MOVING PEOPLE. 10/10 they will get seattle and portland,…(if the water doesn't get them first.). See what "seeing the evil that men do" does to your "give af factor"? oh, wait…. I watched crooked assholes take down a good man with muh KP (and nothing like what was posted here) when I reported the oceans of child rape, torture, selling, and ….unspeakables on Twitter? FBI didn't gaf. My entire state is a sekrit cesspool of evil if the FBI isn't "in on it" ….ya'll need to be rotated every 3 years so you can't develop those "relationships" that have you look the other way.


tl;dr whine, fear FBI, pay attention, Chinese sleepers getting the GO. SOON….(they're not that smart overall so fingers crossed most of them will be fail.)


sorry not sorry re FBI.


Anonymous ID: c6c337 Jan. 27, 2021, 2:25 a.m. No.12728981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9065


OH shiiii move to stop digital trading?


KEK good luck with that. Not kidding, where the good sauce is you won't get reports. Try getting a COPY of Kennewick man, Lovelock Cave, Spirit Cave, Windover Bog, LOL King Tut….soon as some dude did a jewtube on a mostly obscure lovelock museum he heard about that displayed some of the skulls…the skulls disappeared. See the space niggers stole DNA and tried to get a "gain of function" and it failed…shit didn't turn out so good for them….they were still evil fucks. So they obscure and run it all together….once they had a conservator go to Windover and examine the weavings and the weaving was at minimum 1k years ahead of anything the NAs had…they couldn't bury that site fast enough. And you'll find muh muh DNA this or that…but it's all mumbling and you'll never get the live data.


Egyptologist7 on jewtube….expert DNA, especially archaic…cannot even talk or risk banning, only posts papers underlined…guess what? It was INTO Africa not out of….and you'll never guess the origins of the SubSaharans. KEK the Hoteps hate that channel.

Anonymous ID: c6c337 Jan. 27, 2021, 2:35 a.m. No.12729043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9073 >>9081


KEK who believes Sumer was first? LOL not. Sumer was the civilization ALL of the KIKE stories are stolen from. They've created quite the hero myth to hide what they are.


>why did Abraham really send his wife into Pharaoh?

>who's your daddy, Isaac..


so many lies. They had to create a story….this is where they feed.


Civilization began and was destroyed in the Indus Watch Praveen Mohan's channel….they are always threatening to ban him…what? how dangerous is it to video temples? You can read all about it in Indian history. Jews pushing to cover shit up, like Taj Mahal? not built by a muzzie built on TOP of Hindu….go watch, learn…Kashmir is sekrit too.



KIKE shill shit. They do the same thing to Putin in Russia as they do to Trump here.


Now they're doing the same thing with Russian kids as they did here with Sunrise and our kids.


I hope you're just sharing the news and not expecting anyone to believe…wealthiest (((woman))) in Russia is mayor of Moscow. She hates Putin. Such a creampuff of a deal she made with Hunter Biden et al. I wonder, who took one for the team, she's an ugly beast, most of them are.

Anonymous ID: c6c337 Jan. 27, 2021, 2:43 a.m. No.12729094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9154 >>9263

>>12728148 (pb)

>was it Peter Strzok's wife who was promoted to top of SEC?

I dunno. keeping track of POTUS's swamp appointments, even though I knew the WHY, was still depressing. I thought Trump replaced….

>>12728228 (pb)

>It’s like they are telepathic

yes. very, but in future dystopian timeline tech rules and some can also project an image of what they want you to think they are.

t. you think it was greys but are suspicious so go deep and AHA…fuckers.

Anonymous ID: c6c337 Jan. 27, 2021, 2:51 a.m. No.12729130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9245


Oh, ok. glad you are woke to it. Russian media does the exact same thing to Putin. I "see him" have always seen him, I envied Russia their president for years….he's just like Trump. He knows the swamp because he swam there. He also loves his country but he's hog-tied by the endless fuckery of the Khazarian/Bolsheviks. These people have been fucking Russia for centuries

>Be Tzar make great reforms for peasants

>get killed

>new Tzar undoes reforms


rinse and repeat until they just fucking killed them all. These "people" (the Jaffa so to speak) fucking HATED Tartarians and the second they got the chance they genocided them and wiped their existence from the maps and history.


Have your friend watch Europa, The Last Battle, and dig some on Nazio Island. These "people" have a level of barbarism we cannot begin to imagine. There's a reason BOLSHEVIK is not preceded by JEW. Hitler saw what they did to Russia.


Tell your friend an American greatly admires Putin and hopes he makes it. If he doesn't….they'll fuck Russia again. They hate hate hate….them. They believe the media…each time they want to slam him they poison someone…muh media blames Putin.

Anonymous ID: c6c337 Jan. 27, 2021, 2:59 a.m. No.12729172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9415


I don't think you quite understand the timeline and the devolution of technology. Even the identity of "Jesus" is a larp. Something you MUST have in order to maintain control over humans is fear. all three Abrahamic religions are fear based.


After the war that destroyed that entire area sunk into the sea the people scattered and started over. Gobekli Tepi is an infant compared to what was lost in the war. Pyramids are infants compared…and the sphinx original face? Watch Praveen Mohan's video on the Bayon….hello.

Anonymous ID: c6c337 Jan. 27, 2021, 3:04 a.m. No.12729198   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's a gay thing, I think.


OH. they've caught on to the shifty name changes, company closure, reopen under new name…rinse repeat….Polly did that with Ula and JP Bak re Trump's People in the Dark Shadows…she scraped the surface…she recently did one on credit cards /mastercard and ended up uncovering the foundations tax scam and discovered all those happy 'helping poor African" charities were cheery frauds.

Anonymous ID: c6c337 Jan. 27, 2021, 3:06 a.m. No.12729203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9214 >>9372 >>9404


Watch out for AMC. They're taking a bath on covid and people not going to the movies. I'm only talking about theaters…if they have other assets then they might be OK…however they might be trying to drive up the cost of their stock so they can dump and get out with something.

Anonymous ID: c6c337 Jan. 27, 2021, 3:09 a.m. No.12729211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9220


If it exists, there is porn of it. After hearing about chicken fucking and watching a man get a live fish to suck him off, bro, I'd have zero issues believing you fucked a goose AND mother goose.

Anonymous ID: c6c337 Jan. 27, 2021, 3:14 a.m. No.12729234   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Maybe you just explained why

I know why….I am who I am. When they fucked up on the gene stealing and gave themselves Rh- they realized what FAIL it was . Where do you suppose consanguineous marriage came from? They realized over time that their "mothers and offspring" survived better if the married closer in (aka someone else who also carries Rh-) Then later they started the RH- exceptionalism LARP which is hysterical. Without consanguineous marriage and or modern medicine they'd all be gone. That did not turn out to be a beneficial "mutation".

Anonymous ID: c6c337 Jan. 27, 2021, 3:21 a.m. No.12729275   🗄️.is 🔗kun


OH SHEEE, and I thought the tailpipe and bulldozer was odd.


Just show him what the Khazarian media did to Trump. It's literally the same damn thing. Ukraine was solely to fuck with Putin and their income from fuels.


Has he seen the truth about that plane shot down in Ukraine? There's a sekrit vid out there somewhere…Russian flight investigator…she was on the scene 2 hours post "shoot down"….they blamed on PUTIN….just posting ONE pic…does this adipose covered body look like it's only been dead 2 hours?

>why were all the victims ASIAN

>why did they all have summer clothes in their suitcases…


I'm sure you can figure out what was loaded onto that plane. ALL to harass Putin. Redpill him on Maidan affair, what Bidens were doing in Ukraine and how it's linked to destroying Assad so they can get their pipeline and cut Russia's export off at the knees. They hate Putin for all the same reasons they hate Trump.

Anonymous ID: c6c337 Jan. 27, 2021, 3:31 a.m. No.12729316   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9328 >>9336


never cut the hair on your head. But as you grow in skill you will end up covering your head :D


>can't stream free no more








> most those people do not have a clue what they are doing.


You don't hang at /pol/ do you…I can tell from your post. FYI that whole /pol/ is nothing but neetbux incels? That's a meme. Half the posts on those threads were meme posts. Lrn24chan before you make such a declarative statement.


inb4 The Revenge of the Incels takes down the evil fucking Khazarian Mafia Bankers.


proud Khazarian Antisemite

Anonymous ID: c6c337 Jan. 27, 2021, 3:46 a.m. No.12729378   🗄️.is 🔗kun


oh well FYI the good ones would rather "disappear" than fight. Eventually via genetic diffusion they evolved to fight, it's like this…push them push them push them, other cheeks turned….push them one step too far and they will destroy. No one has ever beaten them when the fight back. I think fear of their capabilities made them…more resistant to instant battle. "Blessed are the peacekeepers"..but sometimes you have to fight. When you have to fight, take no prisoners, and finish it.

Anonymous ID: c6c337 Jan. 27, 2021, 3:49 a.m. No.12729390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9404


OH dude…then go easy there—could be pump and drump trick…once they saw what /pol/ was doing to GameStop….they decided to get chinkposting and get them to buy AMC too….before they dump it. No one goes to the movies anymore. I haven't been to a movie sonce….holy…15 years?


exercise caution with AMC and KILL KIKE shortsellers.


Chinks bugpost on /pol/ all the time. They ran the wuflu op..

Anonymous ID: c6c337 Jan. 27, 2021, 3:51 a.m. No.12729403   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Funny, I love /pol/ because you have to know. I love people writing articles that are so hysterical because they don't know. It's easy reading the thread caps here….the hive works in mysterious ways. OPEN where all can see, but the knowledge of KNOWING /pol/ means much is hidden. They teach (or taught) a class on /pol/ aka anonymous at the Naval War College. There's a reason for the "lurk for 8 years before posting" meme.

Anonymous ID: c6c337 Jan. 27, 2021, 3:53 a.m. No.12729408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9414 >>9428


Yeah, I;m feeling that AMC shit is a bugman post pumping to trick /pol/ into raising their price before they dump it…also if they want to sell raising the price will make it MOAR attractive to any possible buyers.


RVanon stock advice. I see what I see, don't buy AMC.

Anonymous ID: c6c337 Jan. 27, 2021, 3:57 a.m. No.12729428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9520


share this at /pol/ I got fedbanned for posting child porn….aka my thread on the origins of mind control research and Maxwell, Hubbard, Epstein, Gates, Liber connections…was well bros, I got PERMABANNED across all boards.

Fuckers knew nothing would enrage me more than being accused of posting KP


share -→ this



Anonymous ID: c6c337 Jan. 27, 2021, 4:04 a.m. No.12729446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9452 >>9459 >>9462 >>9561


I am a jealous god, a vengeful god, a wrathful god. LOVE ME OR DIE, and btw, thou shalt not kill, unless I tell you to. Sorry I want nothing to do with a god that loved the smell of burnt meat and offers human sacrifices. Paint it any color you want, it is what it is.


FACT if you don't love god he'll kill you.

Anonymous ID: c6c337 Jan. 27, 2021, 4:18 a.m. No.12729512   🗄️.is 🔗kun


WELL FUCKITOL…I guess there's a reason no one sid a fucking peep about that shit that hasnt been a secret for years, until AFTER the election.







BLACK ROCK is a MAJOR political donor…

Anonymous ID: c6c337 Jan. 27, 2021, 4:21 a.m. No.12729524   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>What if the Red Cross blood donation is mostly used for this?

Yes. Person "similar to me" had father donate blood. Said person was contacted by Red Cross…oh we noticed your father had a little of this so we called and asked if he had children (1) and then we called you to see if you'd be willing to donate that extra special….I told said person to tell the Red Cross to fuck off.