BAKER: Grvl ID: 0ac6a1 @250 Jan. 27, 2021, 8:40 a.m. No.12731522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1534 >>1541 >>1568 >>1594 >>1672

>>12731201 Dough

>>12731389 say that again like you have intelligence.

>>12731407 hey anons this guys says ur notables 'suck a dick. In fact, all the dicks.'

>>12731412 <- THIS

>>12731491 TYB tagged dough says ur wrong



>>12731253 LB NOTABLES

>>12731271 Delingpole: ‘Trussst Usss! We’re Not Evil’ Claims Davos WEF Great Reset Promo Video

>>12731245, >>12731273, >>12731296, >>12731323, >>12731423, >>12731430, >>12731445 GAME STOP

>>12731294 Memes

>>12731326, >>12731384 Police bust Anambra (nigeria) baby factory, rescue 5 babies #SaveTheBabies

>>12731387, >>12731453, >>12731469 OPTICS

>>12731399 Love yourself (Create Your Own Destiny)

>>12731400 Merck Discontinues Development of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Vaccine Candidates

>>12731403 Reminder Vice president joe biden makes unannounced trip to iraq

>>12731427 Press Briefing by White House COVID-19 Response Team and Public Health Officials

>>12731442 Biden Learns What It’s Like to Have Federal Judges Block His Immigration Agenda. (Ha HA HA)

>>12731483, >>12731489 3 Corps. run 3 Cities: London, DC, Vatican. (CAPS)