Anonymous ID: 2f921e Jan. 27, 2021, 8:36 a.m. No.12731477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1483


Three Corporations run the world: City of London, Washington DC and Vatican City


Posted by Shenali D Waduge On May 31, 2014


World events most of which are ‘engineered’ leave a trail that leads to the architects. We next discover that there are 3 cities on earth that come under no national authority, they have separate laws, they pay no taxes, they have their own police force and even possess their own flag of ‘independence’. These 3 cities control the economy, military onslaughts and the spiritual beings of those in powers. The 3 cities are actually corporations and they are the City of London, District of Columbia and the Vatican. Together they control politicians, the courts, educational institutions, food supply, natural resources, foreign policies, economies, media, and the money flow of most nations as well as 80% of the world’s entire wealth. Their ultimate aim is to build a totalitarian rule on a global scale where people will be divided into rulers and the ruled after they have depopulated the world to numbers they wish to rule over. What we need to understand is that the world does not work according to what we have been led to believe. We are drowning in misinformation.


At the center of each city state are giant phallic shaped stone monuments called obelisks.




Attached below is the flag of the country called Washington DC the corporation, it is a sovereign nation and NOT part of the USA, it is now a conquered territory, just like Japan and Germany were for a while. That is why they fenced in the conquered land of the Enemy and every prison visit or exit is scrutinized so heavily. More to it than that, its in the military law 11.3 and I believe 11.4.


part 1

Anonymous ID: 2f921e Jan. 27, 2021, 8:46 a.m. No.12731591   🗄️.is 🔗kun




the stupid strike out at what they don't understand with their limited intellect, they don't research to make sure they are right, they go with their feelings. That makes you stupid. The plan is going along very well, your feelings mean nothing to it. Cold hard logic and the plan is quite brilliant and going according to plan, accordingly some things get moved or re thought out like a chess game. The enemy makes a move and we countermove. You just strike out in rage and frustration because you have feelings. That makes your feelings stupid and therefore your input shilling.