what america, is my ego showing?
do i have a reptile in me?
neither can you, idiots
please address biology
biology cannot be surpassed or super-ceded
all data flows through survival center first
all thoughts are generated
on a primary motivation factor : survival
any rejection of the above statement, is not scientific
all thoughts and ideas are generated with the bias of survival generated by processing information through the survival center
you do have an exception.
Alll information isn't received through [tactile] stimuli.
see pineal gland.
Does anyone want to draw a conclusion here? I am going to think and process before i let my idiot show on the issue
funny, i show my idiot on purpose, to show you the real idiots
lol, they can't see their own idiot, so i point out my idiot, and tell them to do the same if they want to challenge my authority
we are all idiots
it is those that pretend to know
or think they know
or better yet
know they know
i know i know nothing
i guess that is knowing
let them talk in circles and make fools of themselves before their peers
watch them notice the snickers
as they dance like a monkey, a robotic bard playing the music of NPC before the world very eyes
one day they will see
and be ashamed
that they left
such permanent
make of stupidity
to be remember by
what do i do?
i yell so people dont push
but then they make fools of themselves
i say yes
i am stupid
quit reading then
and they complain at me
i say they are smart
please explain to me
they do not
they do not see themselves in the <mirror>
when you build a hall of <mirrorspeople start to see their reflection
how do you give feedback without condemnation or shame?
how do you encourage <healthy egowithout spectrum?
I am going to be very clear.
I am going to tell you all about this shit.
I know the science
of what most people on Earth
call God.
in my faith, there is one primary creator, a being that made it all in a genesis, the Lord. Period.
i do not see that changing
but i do not focus on it
i will tell these people
who hold their science in my face
and wave their finger
of evolutionary complexity as a standard of perfection.
you are complex, you are not better. you are not some new idea in the creation of the universe.
you are less stable than the soil
you will die before the dirt you walk on
it is alive
how long has the crocodile been here?
how about the bird?
why do you think you are better?
you are less stable organism.
than dirt
and bugs
and bacteria
you are living a delusion called anthropocentric
just chill out on life
being human is cool and everything
but let's figure out what human is
what is human development?
why do we change through life?
what changes?
are families stable?
are communities stable?
is culture stable?
is government stable?
is civilization stable?
is the human species stable?
and of course..
is the individual stable
you cannot have a stable species without a stable individual
look at thermodynamics
how does hot waters spread into cold
or how does cold water spread into hot
it don't change it instantly.
but hot/cold each have a relative destabilizing impact on one another
it creates cycle
over heat leads to cooling
over cooling leads to heating
everything in between is just the pattern of like and can be modeled best by spiral dyanmic integral theory and thermodynamics accompanied by cameras that can capture electromagnetic fields and bio photon output from the hue-man to organize effectively.
You can tell me all day about the Bible. That is great. You can tell me what I am doing is sin. I disagree. You need to respect the yin in the yang and the yang in the yin, in order to understand that I must stand, as the light, in the darkness of science. The godless world of science. I stand. like that little white dot in the yin-yang symbol. I stand with my science facts, not my theology and belief system.