Anonymous ID: d2658e March 5, 2021, 4:23 p.m. No.13148081   🗄️.is 🔗kun

you're fucking dead, kiddo. this is an attack on the very french people themselves and is a strategy designed to destroy national, cultural, linguistic and ethnic unity. luckily for us, the end results of this deracialized, irreligious and deculturized program show themselves. embrace infamy: the enemies of your people will beset upon you, on all sides. but the aftershock from my actions will ripple for years to come, driving political and social discourse, creating the atmosphere or fear and change that is required. beyond this place of wrath and tears looms but the horror of the shade, and yet the menace of the years finds and shall find me unafraid. was the attack anti-diversity in origin? i worked for a short time before making some money investing in bitconnect, then used the money from the investment to travel. we could be hurt! ” for them the time will never come. the origins of my language is european, my culture is european, my political beliefs are european, my philosophical beliefs are european, my identity is european and, most importantly, my blood is european. but the only way to get to the final destination, total victory, is to get up and keep marching forward.


diversity is not a strength. new zealand was not the original choice for attack, i only arrived to new zealand to live temporarily whilst i planned and trained, but i soon found out that new zealand was as target rich of an environment as anywhere else in the west. but they will not occupy our soil. was the attack anti-diversity in origin? thank god. but, if those same people seek to come to my peoples lands, replace my people, subjugate my people, make war upon on my people,, hen i shall be forced to fight them, and hold nothing in reserve.

>the final push was witnessing the state of french cities and towns.