>>Why Do People Embrace Conspiracy Theories?
Because they watch MSM.
I know its a coincidence, but interesting, non the less.
Artic Blast in Texas started on Feb. 10th
@Snowden - Snowed In
>>how wrong we where..
Yep. I'm just here, in the mornings, to be among frens. That comfort needed so its not so painful as we watch the communist take over on a world wide level. Maybe thats what Q meant by #WorldWide.
The reason we failed is because it only takes a small percentage of evil to rule. Evil is very organized with one goal , the same goal.
The Majority, the Good, have different ideas, are free thinking…….meaning, not unified in one goal. Its easy to defeat a group of free thinkers with a small group of puppets
The one thing about the TEXAS FREEZE I've noticed on social media is Texans are survivinga real emergency & comparing it to the fake scamdemic. It's waking up some folks to "Whats a real emergency & whats fake (aka False Flag Flu).
Severe weather (Artic freezes, Hurricanes, Tornados, Large Hail, 110 degrees, no rain….) are
ALL dangerous, no matter how prepared you are. (I'm a prepper….its not rocket surgery)
You're not seeing the big picture. You can do all that, but you haven't taken into consideration those who miss a paycheck because their business doesn't have electricity for a week. Or truck drivers who can't get food to stores (warm weather states don't have an army of salt trucks like the norther states). Not to mention, the elderly or those who don't have gas heat (like we do).
Not being a dick, but do you know "the plan?" Q hasn't devuldged "the plan." None of us knows the "the plan" is & the optics are bleak at best.
The only thing I blindly trust is God.
Its going to get A LOT worse before it gets better. If there's a plan, that plan could be 10, 20 or 100 yrs. We don't know. We may not even see the end in our lifetime. I trust that God's plan, for the future of our planet, is similar to a George Carlin comedy rant.
She's not wrong. Take a gander at where power outages happened in & around Austin. If you notice, the homes closest to & around where Apple is being built DID NOT lose any power at all.
Where do you think Apple contractors & execs are staying?
RINO ABBOTTis soooooo busy with TEXAS power outage drama, he doesn't have time to suck globalist COVID dick.
He let MASK MANDATES expire.Kek
>>The City of Austin and Travis County extended the “Stay Home, Mask, and Otherwise Be Safe” Orders through February 16, 2021.