Ode to the shills
By Anon
You should be chillin',
Your job is done.
But you're still shilling?
Are you sure you won?
Your team backed the winner
So refill your cup.
But you'll be back after dinner,
To this site - it's still up?!
Say 'nothing is habbening.
Arrests so far: only one.
This movie's mind-numbing'
You'll drone, on and on.
So, what are today's orders?
Will it be gore, cp, floods of spam? Distractions to create disorder?
Only your handler gives a damn.
Your rhetoric, lacklustre,
Your arguments, weak.
We see through your bluster -
Your methods, antique.
Anons know better
Than to argue with you;
We know it'll get wetter,
Before the truth shines through.
So go back to bumming.
Or not, we never cared.
Nothing can stop what is coming -
That's why you're scared.