The only one "Dividing and Conquering" is Lucifer Satan the devil. There's only one true Faith-Religion and that is Christianity (Non-Catholic). All others are of The Evil One. We all see how this world wants us that are True Christian Believers dead. They want the Jews to be slaughtered yet again. Persecution worldwide is up by 50% and some areas up 60%. Just proclaiming the Holy Name of Jesus in most Countries will result in One's death. Governments worldwide have been severely infiltrated by Forces of Evil and People that have declared their alliance with The Evil One.
They've already got Catholics wrapped up in the Globalist Universal-ism.
Islam is Evil to its very core and is a Cult and Political Ideology of Death and Destruction.
Luciferian-Satanist are just damn Fools.
There will be a Great Divide in this Great Awakening. That's a good thing. Separation of the Sheep from the Goats, Wheat from the Chaff. It's time for Christian and Jews to rise up and take the reigns of all levels of Government and Education. If we don't, we shall be ushered to the Slaughter House. We will have failed to ensure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.
We truly need an Esther Moment.
Everyone needs to read this entire Book.