Texas energy hearing.
This is cogent and FUCKING IMPORTANT.
You need to have some understanding of energy to understand.
But if you do? So incredible.
Texas energy hearing.
This is cogent and FUCKING IMPORTANT.
You need to have some understanding of energy to understand.
But if you do? So incredible.
If you've ever had a basic economics class, this energy business is so understandable.
It was still ugly.
Patel is a walking deity. Whatever he says is golden.
Occasionally anon feels superior.
Today anon knows.
Y'all are missing big stuff. Big big stuff.
Texas energy discussion.
A really important energy discussion.
ERCOT didn't accommodate the drop in the gas market. Given the dependence on gas given this type of weather event, it sucked.
This is one heck of an education.
But it's VEGAN!!!
Always do.
It's the soy. I'm not joking.
Such a painful lesson as a mother. Soy formula. Did I do something wrong?
If you aren't listen to the texas hearing, omg.
Such a lesson.
Everything is my fault. The function of being a mother.