The Babylon Bee
Here's a HuffPo article encouraging parents to support "sex-change" surgeries for their children next to another discouraging people from neutering their dog. Let
walk you through them.
9:30 AM · Feb 26, 2021
Adam Ford
Feb 25th, 2021 2:07 pm
Buckle up:
Article one: A Parent's Guide To Supporting Transgender Youth
Article two: Think Twice Before You Cut Off Your Dog's Balls
Both of these articles are published by HuffPo and are a few years old. The time difference actually makes it even sadder cuz they're probably even further down into the woke volcano today than they were then.
Let's start with the article beseeching parents to let their small children decide their own gender while encouraging them down the path toward physical genital surgery.
Here are some lowlights:
Keep in mind that being transgender is not something parents can cause, or change. But parents can play a major role in keeping their transgender children healthy and safe. And the newest research shows that family acceptance significantly protects them against such risks into adulthood.
Embracing a child's true gender identity involves helping them transition both socially and medically. Each transgender person's journey is unique and can pose different issues at different ages.
When young children, around age five, are gender-nonconforming, just let them be who they are. Allow them to dress and act as they prefer so they feel validated and supported.
Got that?. Age 5. FIVE. Five years old.
"Daddy, I am five and I want to be a girl now."
"OK son, let's go get you some dresses and Barbies."
This is real stuff.
Now here's the part most relevant to this article's headline:
Medical Transition
Puberty. Watch for the onset of puberty starting around age 10. When a child's body changes in the wrong way, it can be unpleasant, even traumatic. One female-to-male transgender boy described getting their period as like "nature punching me in the face every month." Even a little breast growth in a transgender 12-year-old boy may spark intense feelings of dysphoria. As clinicians, we often see intense distress, anxiety, depression, and even suicide attempts associated with the onset of puberty.
Puberty Blockers. Parents should consider hormone-blocking agents to prevent typical puberty or stop its progression as soon as possible. This will allow the child to later go through puberty only once—in the correct gender. Cross-gender hormone therapy usually isn't employed until a few years later, but puberty blockers can be started between ages 10 and 12.
Halting regular puberty also eases the transition if transgender youth later go on cross-gender hormones. For example, someone going through natural male puberty before starting cross-gender hormones will acquire many male characteristics, like an Adam's apple, body hair, and wide shoulders, which cannot easily be reversed later.
Cross-Gender Hormones. It is standard to start kids on cross-gender hormones at age 16, though some experts initiate therapy as early as 14, and others advocate starting even younger. The idea is to keep the child's development in pace with their peers.
Surgery. The child may or may not decide to pursue surgery. The important thing is to support children and young adults in making their own decisions. Most kids wait until age 18 to 21 to start procedures. Support at that stage may involve helping them figure out what kind of surgery they want and looking into insurance coverage. A surgeon can be found through a local LGBT center or online, where there is plenty of information about different surgeons, including reviews and which age groups they work with.
Literal insanity.